Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Can Brown Do For You?

It's now five months beyond our typical senior "busy season" and the Class of 2010 refuses to go away quietly!

Tuesday's near-graduate was the second sister from the Brown family. I photographed older sis, Isabeau a couple years back and not to be outdone in unique first names, Pfieffer was our latest spring senior. And as "late" as the past couple families have felt, don't worry... I've got another one very soon, and even he won't be the last.

We had wonderful warm temps on Tuesday to get out and enjoy... but some STRONG winds combined with Pfieffer's long hair to give us a real challenge (in addition to much of outdoor looking pretty iffy from the rough winter). In the end, though, we got some solid stuff, and I even got Miss Serious here to smile a few times. ;-)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Better late than never Stefl

I was contacted back in October.

Maybe it was September?

Fall turned to winter...

Winter was... well... as we all know, LONG.

And then, as winter turned to spring, we FINALLY got our shot to see Amanda.

And on the first day of spring, Amanda and I were hustling around to avoid the forthcoming SNOW! Fortunately, we did that, and the girl that made us wait nearly half a year, didn't disappoint.

Truth be known... Amanda wanted to get things done much earlier... but judging by the girl's schedule, I can see why she waited this long.

Dance Team

Mix in part-time jobs at Johnny Ray's, and at Manly Drug Store in Grundy Center, and being the Class of 2010 class president... I'd say the girl has her hands full.

I have to give a tip of the hat to Amanda's bff Adrianne Alexia for being equally as awesome in getting our March senior here finally. The power of peer pressure is a wonderful thing sometimes. :-)

Did I mention that Amanda is merely a few months away from being a freshman at the University of Iowa now? We almost eliminated the Hawkeye hoody from our outfit selections, but my full fledged card carrying membership to the jihadic wing of the Hawkeye Nation would not allow me to cut that outfit out. In fact... an Iowa Football collage was in order... Sometimes my passion gets the best of me. Best wishes with the integrated physiology major. Sounds like WAY too much studying to me, girl. ;)

Thanks for never giving up on what you really wanted, Amanda. It was fun.

Friday, March 12, 2010

4 year old w/ pizzaz gets mom back where she belonged all along!

So, long story short, eccentric senior girl 10 years ago decides to see if the grass was greener somewhere else than the local studio all her friends go to. Local studio owner is heartbroken in the way he only gets when someone from his community chooses elsewhere over he. Girl then sends heartfelt email a few years later explaining regret in her decision. While completely unnecessary and kind, it does make local studio owner feel much better. Girl promises someday to be back in some fashion to make things 'right.'

That day? Thursday.

The girl you see, is now "Mom" to one of the most outgoing four year olds I've ever had the fortune of meeting. Confident, forward... and SO much fun, Ava will look you right in the eye and tell ya how it is... this preschooler was right at home in front of the camera and we got such great stuff. She was a ham and a princess all wrapped in one. And the girl with the HUGE curly hair from high school that ended up being "the one that got away" ten years ago did not disappoint either with her now funky tri-colored shag... but the same great smile.

The session ended... I shut off the lights, and I look up to see our bundle of 4-year-old energy standing there with arms extended. I ask Ava if there's something I could do for her, and she says, matter-of-factually...

"Well... I need a HUG!"

It's great to be loved.

Thanks for coming to see me ladies.