Saturday, July 31, 2010

Reunited... and it feels so good.

Shannon knows.

It was her day.

But I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't pumped to see her folks, too.

Her Mom, Chris has been one of our biggest advocates over the years... and it hit an all-time high a year ago as a barrage of BCLUW softball seniors came our direction. Chris's daughters were on the team and Mrs. Rhinehart was perhaps our closest follower of the world's most extensive photography blog. One Comet after another and Chris was there with her finger on the pulse of every move I made with each of the girls.

I thought to myself... "Dang... what is she gonna be like when it's HER daughter's turn?"

That day finally arrived Thursday morning and not only was our biggest fan and her daughter right on time for their 8 a.m. session, but we also had another very special guest.

Mr. Rhinehart.

I've called him many things over the years, but Mister isn't one of them. So consider yourself lucky, Heath. ;-) Seriously, though, Shannon's step-dad and I go way back. We were the best of friends my senior year of high school and every time I see the guy now... it's always like someone hit a rewind button and it's old times all over again. Granted we might have shifted our focus from a couple of kids talkin' Super Tecmo to a couple of greying old farts discussing how today's youth just doesn't "get it," but the humor is still there like it always was.

So, it had been about a decade since the fam had been in. We also photographed Shannon's kid brother, Keegan in 2002... regardless, it had been awhile. I'd like to personally ask for forgiveness from Shannon for all of the YAPPING going on for the entire session between old friends. But as you can see, the images didn't suffer ONE bit! ;-)

Of course, Shannon and her BCLUW teammates just polished off their second straight state championship in Class 2A softball. Special mention has to go out to lil' sis, Sarah who made the all tournament team with a batting average that would make Ted Williams blush.

But what about Shannon?

There's a couple places that you don't wanna be in sports.

Brett Favre's backup quarterback
Cal Ripken's backup at shortstop.
Jamie Fisher's backup at pitcher.

Most around here know that Miss Fisher has permanently etched herself into Iowa prep history as one of the finest hurlers to ever put on a uniform. One doesn't luck their way into Iowa's Gatorade Player of the Year, and two state titles. So... if you're one of her backups... it's pretty safe to say there's a whole lot of patience and pride swallowing goin' on.

Nevertheless, Shannon had all of her teammate's backs and took the opportunity to get 10 appearances in this summer for the back-to-back champs and posted a .70 ERA. It remains to be seen who will get the task of having to try to fill the enormous shoes left by their predecessor, but Coach David Lee could probably do a whole lot worse than Shannon Irene McCoy. (that's why the vanity plates say Irene, gang. She's named after Grandma, incidentally).

So, the waiting is over... after watching and cheering me on and being one of my best ambassadors up Conrad way for years... I finally got to return the favor in a practical manner. Great to see everyone again... and if I know this group well... they've been checking incessantly for this moment. ENJOY! ;-)

Friday, July 30, 2010

A breath of fresh ARIANNA

Temperatures finally subsided a bit Wednesday afternoon, but you wouldn't have known it.

Arianna here is one of those hot-blooded persons (like me) that seemingly would sweat in a meat locker, and so I had my work cut out for me in keepin' this gal comfortable.

It was probably just nerves initially, and who could blame her? She was SO excited coming in... and we were excited to have her back.

It had been eight and a half years since I last photographed the nine-year old version of Miss Tichy. She had been in with her big brother (J.R., STC Class of 2006) way back in 2002 as part of our Tots promotion. So... of course, we had to have a little fun reproducing a couple of "then and now" images. If you see Arianna in our "Y" prop with her feet up down below... she'll now have matching poses from back in the day... (but WAY longer legs!).

In addition, J.R. made a return appearance and we have shown how much the two have changed in the sibling's image below... awww... so cute... And, surprisingly... I don't think that they actually HATED to do it, like many siblings would when put in this scenario.

J.R.'s influence didn't end there, however, as my man was infamous from years past as being THE guy that had me light a computer monitor on fire for HIS senior pictures. Now a computer tech dude for the Marshalltown School District, he obviously went on to work in the area of his passion from back in his senior year... that's cool if you ask me. Anyway... he made SURE that Arianna was gonna light something on fire... and in this case, it was her old ballet pointe shoes. She told me it was symbolic.. i'll have to take her word for it. ;-)

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't mention Mia the chihuahua. I kept thinking about the little Taco Bell dog that would say, "Drop the Chalupa" in yesteryear. Strangely, Mia wouldn't talk in a Mexican accent like the Taco Bell dog would, but she was as animated and we got a unique shot of the pooch perched on Arianna's shoulder! Sometimes, I'm good, sometimes I'm lucky. Better to be lucky than good, I say.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Can't miss Lyss...

I was REALLY looking forward to Tuesday afternoon's session.

As I face the reality of creeping closer and closer to the age of 40 (still JUST a spry 38) my clients are becoming ever more increasingly more than just random senior parents... They are now friends of mine that have kids that are seniors.

It's a fact that I've sometimes had a hard time with, and maybe it's only because I'm in denial about how old i'm getting... But I guess I should be proud of how long we've been able to keep our doors open?

Tuesday's senior is the daughter of an high school friend... used to be a cheerleader with my wife... did her engagement pictures... family pictures...... and now........ senior pictures for daughter no. 1.

For those of you that know Mama Michele... one cannot know her without smiling. The owner of Day In The Sun tanning salon in Gladbrook, this blonde bombshell has been living life to it's fullest for as long as I've known her... and I know this... she and her hubby, Chad... deserve a pat on the back for the impressive young lady they've raised.

Alyssa shares her mom's blonde locks and this National Honor Society student and 800 meter trackster serves double-time helping out not only at her mom's business... but also doing bookwork for her dad's place just around the corner in Gladbrook for B & G HVAC. That's a lot of letters... but for those of you NOT in the know... B & G is a commercial and residential expert in heating and cooling systems.

What we also found out about Alyssa on Tuesday is that she is a TROOPER! It was oppressively hot that afternoon... and remarkably.. her hair and makeup withstood the elements... as well as her attitude! Mom and I were melting into heaps of molten mess... but, you'd never know our guest of honor was even uncomfortable in the least. ;-) I KNOW she had to be... but she was tough... there's no doubt about that.

There are days when I have to pinch myself and say... dang... you get paid for this? Tuesday was one of those days.. and I told our gang that. Thanks so much to Chad, Michele, Alyssa and kid sis, Lauren for all the fun. It was a day in the sun, for sure.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Can't do better than perfect...

So Tom walks in Tuesday morning... totally unaware of the rare feat he is about to accomplish...

Immortality, really.

All Stewart Photography seniors are intimately aware of a little game of grey card catch that we play during the session.

For those of you that are unaware... a grey card is a little 8x10 cardboard card that we have our seniors hold under their chins outside in each location to allow us to get proper color later on in the computer. Better more accurate color is important... and something that you trust us to know.

Reality is... the card doubles as a Frisbee that some are more adept than others at tossing back to me. We've had just five "perfect games" in studio history over the years... and now... you can add Tom Schaefer to that list.

A flawless 13-for-13 effort, Tom was unflappable as we bounced from spot to spot... with varying wind conditions and, of course, excruciating heat to contend with. Firm... accurate... and a deft touch... I barely had to work at the catching part. I did have to bust out the old wideout all-conference hands a couple times... but for the most part... it was all-Tom... all the time.

Congrats man.

In addition... Tom's mom, Debbie was a BLAST to be around for the session... for a couple of reasons

Number one: Debbie was more than giddy about the fact that we had another dose of perfection yesterday.

Perfect eyebrows.

I've been in this photography game for over 17 years now and never once have i had a mom readily admit that she took her son to do this... That's right.... eyebrow waxing.

Top Nails in Marshalltown took care of our man with a plan a couple days back... and I must say... there was NO uni-brow to be found. Tom was lookin' sharp and well groomed and his mom had her giggle on just thinking about it. LOVED IT!

Number two: Mama Debbie was all over the 20 questions for her hired photographer. I'm normally the one trying to spark the conversation... but in this case... I was diggin' the grillin' that I was getting for our inquiring mind in the camera room.

My favorite question.... "what are ALL those bottles of rubber cement doing up on the refrigerator?!?!"

Debbie got a schoolin' on how we light things on fire in the studio... but I did appreciate all the interest in our craft the entire day. Tom? Probably not so much... It probably only served to drag out his torture.

Oh by the way... despite all the perfections and questions... we did manage to get some kickin' images... enjoy!