Tuesday, December 24, 2013

And then there were none...

I look forward to this senior blog.


Why you ask?  

Because after seven months the number of seniors that are now waiting on me is finally... zero.

The number reached an all-time high of 22 anxious waiting seniors at one point this fall.  A daunting number to be sure.   There were times I felt like this day would never come, and yet... here we are.

Just one day before Christmas, and as I type this, Maria Aguilera is on her way here to get her book before we put a bow on our busy senior season and retreat to the comforts of home, family and celebrations of what's truly important in all of our lives.

But before I can get there... I have to pay tribute to one more senior... one more client that I'm so very thankful for... one more set of images... one more blog.

Maria was indeed our last senior on the 2013 calendar, and when she and her mother Consuelo walked in the door, I was told something I rarely hear.

"My daughter is NOT looking forward to this."

"She HATES having her picture taken."

"I really had to TWIST her arm to get her here."

"If she had it HER way, she wouldn't even have DONE senior pictures!"


Granted, I've heard that a time or two thousand from mothers of senior BOYS.    You know... the I'm-too-cool-to-see-the-importance-of-this type guy.   The Mom-is-making-me-do-this crowd.

But from a senior girl?  

I took one look at Maria and with a healthy amount of skepticism and my confidence abound... I told Maria, "it's my job in the next few hours to convince you otherwise."

So we began.   She might not have wanted to be here... but she knocked 'em dead in her first outfit right out of the gate.   A pair of rockin' heels and a B.A. jacket was all I needed to see to be instantly convinced that I was gonna change this girl's mind about how this was gonna go.

I pulled no punches... She got the 4x6 softbox... the starfish modifier... the ring light... the Larry Peters Eyelighter... the fan whipping thru her hair.   I can't be for sure... but I think it may have taken all of two minutes for her to figure out that this wasn't just kinda fun... it was flat out awesome.

Her Native American mother and Hispanic father were both along for the ride and fittingly we paid tribute to both halves of her heritage in one image.  How cool is that?

Maria traded in her slick look for some fun with Minny Mouse and we just kept on cranking out fun stuff of her.  I got the distinct impression somewhere about halfway through this outfit that Miss Aguilera was now suddenly regretting not pushing for MORE outfits rather than being dragged here kicking and screaming to do our minimum amount of two outfits. 

At the end of the session, with my Nikon D3 screaming for mercy and another busy season now in the books, I turned and asked Maria, knowing full well the answer, "was it as bad as you thought it was gonna be?"

She beamed at me.   And I had all the answer I needed before she even said a word.

Yes... she had fun... and ya know what?   So did I.   Not just with this session... but all year long.

It's a wild ride every year... and at annually at Christmas when I finally get a minute to stop... turn around and look back at what we've accomplished... it's overwhelming to me.   All the images... the stories... the personalities and friendships we've made.   It's just fills up every part of what makes me the guy you trusted to do this for you.  

So, thank you... thank you all, from the deepest part of me for coming to Stewart Photography.   All of you.   From Gus all the way back on June 5, until Maria, just hours before we celebrate Christmas.   I couldn't be more blessed.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Windy City Jordan...

The last senior guy of the calender year 2013 was right up my alley...

The #23 jersey... the Jumpman tattoo, the Bulls flatbills... the Nike Air kicks... could there be any doubt this guy's name was Jordan?

Sure enough it was... Jordan Dolash, to be exact.   Toss in some Bears gear and I had little problem striking up some convos with a guy whose favorite city just happened to be the only major metropolitan city I'd visited more than once or twice myself.

The Stewart Family happens to be big fans of the Windy City... and it was clear from the git-go that Mr. Dolash was as well.

Given his name by his father during the height of Michael Jordan's reign with the Chicago Bulls, our BCLUW senior was born in March of 1996... just months prior to His Airness collecting the fifth of six NBA Championships.  Not hard to imagine that a dad would want his boy named after such a epic winner.

So it wasn't a surprise when Jordan told me of his trademark Jumpman tattoo on the right side of his ribcage that he wanted highlighted.  Anyone that knows me knows that making collages that involve anything sports related it right in my wheelhouse, so Jordan and his mother Jessica and I went to work making it all happen.

Add in some other sport interest of Comet golf and even some passion for hunting... and I had plenty of directions that needed covered.

We found a couple wooded areas that still looked acceptable, and rounded up my golf clubs from my daughter's boyfriend (who had borrowed them and not surprisingly forgotten to return them) and the fringe sports were taken care of.   But in the end, it was the odes to the Bulls, MJ and the Bears that were really important to Jordan.

On the way in the door I think Jordan would the first to admit that his mom was the more excited of our two guests.   But it didn't take long for Mr. Dolash to close the gap on his mom... and I'm not so sure he may not have passed her by the end of the session.

There was nearly a three week gap until we would see another senior (who would end up being our last of 2013), so when you're at the culmination of five months of craziness, you end up having your patience tested more than anyone else on the docket.

I promised Jordan and his mom before he left that while the wait would be long, I would make sure that it would be worth it.   As we have Christmas on our doorstep now, I certainly hope they feel this early present is just that... worth the wait.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Gettin Peppy with Pepe...

As we head down the home stretch here in what I typically call our "senior busy season" that stretches from early June until Christmas, I heard from a blast from the past and didn't even realize it.

Kim Pepe was calling to set up her daughter's senior pictures, and when I asked how she ended up calling us, the pieces started fitting together.

But first, a brief history lesson.

Many of the locals know some of the story... but for those that don't, here's a refresher.

About 25 years ago, arch rival school districts LDF (LeGrand-Dunbar-Ferguson) and SEMCO (Southeast Marshall Co [Gilman-Laurel]) began discussions to share their districts with eventual plans to consolidate.

That consolidation happened officially with the Class of 1993 when the old traditions were replaced with the current Purple and Gold clad Mustangs of East Marshall.  

The last official classes of the previous school districts was in 1989.   The final LDF and SEMCO grads strode across the stages in LeGrand and Gilman that spring, and a new era began the next fall.

So what about the gap there?   That three year period from 1990 to 1992?   And what in the HECK does all of this have to do with Kim Pepe, her daughter's senior pictures, and Stewart Photography?

There were just three years of "sharing" between the aforementioned school districts.   Still brandishing the red and white Warhawk gear from the LDF side of the fence, but transitioned into a hyphenated conglomeration of LDF-SEMCO.

The author of this blog and Kim's daughter's photographer graduated in the first year of that triad of years that when I look back now, I see some of the schools great accomplishments.  Perhaps this sports nut is a little biased... but the last two state football appearances came then... a state runner-up softball trophy was earned (when there was ONE girls' class in the entire state of Iowa)... most all of the boys school track records were set then... Coach Berggren and Coach Veren's basketball teams were feared.... The baseball team was racking up conference titles.  Forgive me for waxing poetic... but we had it goin' on.

Now... for the connection.   Perhaps it was fitting that Ariel Pepe wore a bright red shirt for one of her outfits because her mother, known to many around here as Kim Simatovich back in the day, graduated just one year after me in 1991.   In 1992, the last year of LDF-SEMCO, her aunt Jami Simatovich graduated along side my wife.

So when Kim, who lives now in the Gladbrook area, told me the REASON he was calling, all the dots were connecting.

She had her senior pictures taken by the former owner of my studio (John Foley, Fotos by Foley), so did her sister Jami... They grew up in Ferguson... went to LDF-SEMCO.


It was all coming back to me. 

So this Gladbrook mom, with a daughter who goes to Marshalltown High School ( I know confusing... but stay with me) was bringing her business back home to a former Warhawk.

Miss Ariel walked in a month ago with Mama Kim... Aunt Jami... and even Grandpa Simatovich (who is still as ornery as ever!)   I particularly enjoyed his recollection of Jami's session with Mr. Foley where he was holding her cat when a stray dog happened by causing a claw-brandishing rage from the kitty that left him scraped and bludgeoned.   Been doing this 20 years now and have yet to see that myself... but, it's safe to say that Mr. Simatovich hadn't forgotten!

It was near the end of the busy season... and the outdoor sites certainly had waned, but it didn't stop us from gettin' the job done.   I joked with our senior girl/Arby's employee extraorinaire about the fact she should've brought her photographer a Big Montana Combo with curly fries as a trade for some wallets.  :)

In the end, it was great to catch up with some old Warhawks.  Thanks team Pepe/Simatovich!!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Two Hamlet Skulls... and a Robert in a Pe-trie...

Thes·pi·an  (THespēən) adj.   1. Of or relating to drama; dramatic: thespian talents.

Next to this definition in the dictionary... I'm not sure why there isn't a picture or Robert Petrie's face.  

Or more accurately... a recording of his voice.

Maybe I'm biased after watching this kid perform for the past few years on the stage in LeGrand at East Marshall High School, but I for one am gonna miss seeing and hearing his talent next year when he's no longer there.

Whether he's the roaming reporter... the surfer dude... the Greek God Zeus or any of the other characters his been cast to portray, he seems to hit the thing right on the screws every time.   Maybe it's the directors knowing just where to put him... or maybe he's just THAT good... or maybe it's a little of both?   One way or another, the guy is a one of a kind.

Somehow I wasn't surprised then when Rob brought in jeans with a sports jacket.... a black shirt, slacks and a tie.... and then for his "casual" outfit... a rolled up dress shirt and slick black vest.   Normal?  No.   Totally Robert Petrie?   Without a doubt, yes.

Armed with his smug grin that is 0% arrogant... and 100% his trademark look, Rob and I were off to capture his unique style that has him destined to either be the next Wink Martindale, Richard Dawson or Bob Barker.   Don't ask me why I think he's born to be a game show host... It's just my opinion.  ;)

More accurately... he's probably too talented for that... Truth is... he'll probably be the next guy you see reporting for the NBC Nightly News... or CBS's 60 Minutes or or ABC's Nightline.

The funny thing is... that somehow I expected Rob's STAGE voice to be different than his REAL one.   I mean surely he was just putting on this best thespian hat while up on stage getting into character.   But to my surprise.. and, not gonna lie here, my delight... his REAL voice and his STAGE voice were one and the same.   He's never really OUT of character.   He seems to always just be that GUY... whether he's performing or not.

Maybe he just lives life that way... a perpetual virtuoso performance filled with All-State dry humor, a crooked wry smile, zinger one-liners, and hair that is flat out too good to be true.

If you're wondering what in the world the first image and the title of the blog is all about... let me explain.

I asked Robert right out  of the gate if he had any "have-to's"  for his session... and he told me... not really.  Other than one thing.

He did bring in a replica skull that he wanted to go all Shakespeare on.   A quick look at Google and a combination of a couple of angles with his best Hamlet impersonation... and you get what you see here.... Another Petrie classic.   

To BE... or NOT to be?   That was Rob's question.  Add in his trademark smug grin... the cleft chin that he works like Miley does a foam finger... mix in a little Stewart Photography photoshop magic and BAM.   It's pure awesomeness that only Robert can pull off...

One way or another, Mr. Petrie is gonna take his talents elsewhere next year... and in my opinion we'll have big shoes to fill.   Thanks for all the laughs over the years, Robert.   Best wishes in your bright future.   Talent like yours is rare... don't be afraid to chase your dreams.  

To BE or NOT to be... That isn't the question... It's an order from a former two time All-Stater.   Choose to BE.... be great.

The Second Coming... of Espinoza Brothers...

If there's one thing I know I can count on when the Espinoza brothers come in for senior pictures... it's the fact that they are gonna look stylish.

When we photographed older bro, Gil, as a member of the Class of 2011, he had all kinds of questions... what was due when... what kinda turnaround did we have... how much the packages were... but most importantly...

"What should I wear?"

I gave my standard line that I have for years... "solid colors... long sleeves looks best."   Especially in the fall.

And to the LETTER... Gil did exactly that for his session back on October 20, 2010.   Like he was pulled right out of an ad for The Buckle, Gil nailed the clothing part... and for those of you that think it doesn't make a difference, it just does.... trust me.

So when the phone rang back in September and Gil was on the other end of the line wanting to set up his kid brother's session, I knew one thing for SURE... if he had anything to do with it.... his little bro was gonna look GOOD!

Brother Jesus' session finally rolled around in November and when the brothers Espinoza came through my front door... I wasn't disappointed.

Four outfits... solid colors... long sleeves.   Perfect from head to toe.

Now... some would argue that seniors should dress like they normally dress so they look like THEMSELVES for the session.   A case could be made for that.   And I'm not saying that Jesus doesn't look like this everyday... because maybe he does... (I'm guessing he doesn't).   But for those that treat this experience as something that you don't do everyday, and is something of a special occasion, I think that's cool, and I'm never NOT going to encourage that.

Mama Guadalupe was along for the ride again, although we missed sister Irasema's smile this go around (she's busy starting a family with Stewart Photography 2007 alum, David Turk in the North Liberty area.  Iris may have actually deserved most of the credit for Gil's style selections three years ago... and I'm not so sure she didn't have a hand in it again for Jesus... but either way we were set on the clothing end.

Except for one thing.

A belt.

The fellas were showing me their clothing choices and suddenly they realized a belt was missing.   Since I planned on once again going urban (as we usually do in November after the color fades on the outdoor) I suggested we just stop by home in Toledo to complete Jesus' look.

So we were off and running... trying not to freeze our collective tookuses off.   But as usual... our senior showed remarkable moxie and toughness.

Those of you that know Jesus won't be surprised when I tell you that he was a man of few words on this day.  I did find out that he plans on hopefully traveling to the great Northwest after high school.   Sounds like David and Irasema want to raise their family in the Seattle area, and evidently Jesus will be going to college in the neighborhood as well.  

In the meantime... I got to catch up with three time All-Stater, Gil and his clarinet.   A member of the University of Iowa Marching Band his freshman and sophomore years, Gil gave me the skinny on his travels with the Hawks... (did you know that PURDUE is the most hated band in the Big Ten Conference?) and his plans to pursue a career in international business.   Dude just has his stuff together... that's all there is to it.

If that doesn't work out... I'm hiring Gil to be a clothing consultant for all my senior guys.

Thanks for the business, Team Espinoza... it was nice catching up with you.