Sunday, December 11, 2011

Big Girls Don't Cry...

She wore it like a badge of honor... and I can't be for sure... but I think it was a first.

When a girl tells you proudly that her cross country coach proclaims that she simply will not ever cry... you have to dig deeper.

Not that it should be Coach Doug Bacon's goal to see his squad members in tears, of course... but when you find out that one of his top athletes was trying to power through a disabling syndrome, and never shed a tear... you get the idea... the girl is tough.

It started as what was brushed off as a simple case of the shin splints... but in reality... it was something far different.

It's a mouthful, to be sure. Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome (CECS).

What is it?

Trying to put it as simply as I can... the muscles in her legs have a tight tissue around them called a fascia. Extended work by the muscle, of course causes expansion and swelling... and sometime, athletes fascia are simply not big enough to withstand that swelling.

The result? One word... Pain.

Eventually the ability to use that muscle simply shuts down.

Which is what happened to the little Bobcat Engine that Could in this case.

I've often talked about how special I felt that cross country or distance runners have to be... not only physically... but more often, mentally. But this is a deal that simply could not be powered through.

It ended up robbing Sarah of much of her senior season of cross country when it became apparent that the CECS needed surgery. A "fasciotomy" was the solution where the University of Iowa took care of relieving that pressure and essentially expanded the fascia around the muscle to allow her to run again.

See how much I learn during my sessions?

While cross country didn't end up like she had wanted as their senior leader, Miss Shirar, should be able to get back after it this spring for the track season... and I'm happy for her because of that.

So... I learned that while she wouldn't let a physical ailment bring her to tears... I'm not so sure that what happened this last week didn't.

Perhaps her tear ducts were put to the test as the celebration that she, along with the rest of St. Louis Cardinal fans, have been enjoying as World Series Champions. The off season party came to a temporary halt this week as it was announced that team icon and living legend, Albert Pujols was opting to leave the team for more money in Anaheim.

Being a Cubs fan... I knew I was in for another session with the "enemy" when one of her primary focuses besides running... came in the form of her faithful Irish Setter dog, Mac.

Mac, of course, is short for McGwire... as in Mark McGwire... former Cardinal slugger, and current batting coach.

I can tell you that the girl stood toe-to-toe in discussing America's pastime... not an easy thing to do, if I may say so. I must blame her father, Kirk, for this. :)

I must admit, that while Mac was named after one of my team's enemies... he certainly didn't hold it against me. Sometimes the fight to get a dog's ears to "pop up" for a photograph can be a challenge. Not this pup. The were perpetually in the up position, which made things very easy for Mama Cindy and I, when we would normally be making fools of ourselves like we were trying to get the attention of a two-year old.

She has a "man's best friend" for sure... just don't ask her about her "friend." On second thought... please do.

(you know I had to, Sarah)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gettin' our style on with Milon...

It says on my bio that I mail out to all prospective seniors that inquire about our services that the biggest honor that I can receive as a photographer is simple.

It's not an award. It's not a merit. It's not a huge order. It's not being the biggest, baddest, dude armed with a Nikon or a Canon.

The brochure says... and I say... it's much more simple.

It's when it's all said and done... the senior says.... "That was fun!"

ESPECIALLY when it's a guy.

Of course most of the gals love dressing up... changing outfits like it's going out of style... being pampered and treated like a model that they always wanted to be.... if only for one day.

But dudes? Usually not so much.

So when I can get a GUY to say it was "aiight" or it was "fun." Now... I've REALLY done something there.

But what if I can get DAD to say that?

Such was the case when Tom Thatcher brought in his son Milon a while back.

Rare is the case that I get dad to commit to the 3 hour-plus process... probably even MORE rare that the last thing I hear from pops as he's going out the door... "hey... thanks a lot... it was a lot of fun."

Winning. :)

Truth is... it was just 3 dudes... plowin' our way through the process. Milon was an easy-goin fella... not much preconceived notion other than he wanted some cool stuff with his motorcycle... had to work in the letter jacket somewhere... but other than that... we just had to make him look cool.

A former Gladbrook-Reinbeck Rebel turned into BCLUW Comet transplant... he was very familiar with the legions of supporters we have in both those communities... but it was finally his turn to see what all the buzz was about. Clearly we are nearing the end of the quote, unquote busy season... but there's always enough time to fit in another BCLUW graduate-to-be in what's been an awesome year for us up that way.

In fact... I think Milon, in retrospect, may have wished he would have come alone... as his dad and I quickly turned his session into a sports roundtable of sorts, featuring a couple of over-the-hill cronies remembering the good old days! :) But being the future military solider that he is... he showed good discipline by just letting Tom and I ramble on! :)

I told Milon at the the time I hoped that I could finally get to the end of the pile of work by Thanksgiving... Clearly that didn't happen... but you ARE ready now, Mr. Thatcher... and while a mess of winter sports pictures and at least one more senior wedged in after you visited the studio... you will wait no longer... and that's probably a good thing because I would imagine yearbook deadline is right around the corner!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Takin' it to the (S)house...

Being perpetually behind this senior season creates lots of issue with me personally... Never having enough time for the fun in life... always feeling uneasy... not being able to relax.

All real issues, to be sure.

But perhaps the BIGGEST hurdle I've had to clear at times this year... is trying, sometimes in vain, to recall something interesting or substantial for our world renowned blog!

It's been a struggle at times... When I've fallen as much as three weeks behind... sometimes the minutia that happens during the session, has faded away.

All that being said... THIS session does NOT fall in that category.

In fact... it might be the type of session that's right in my wheelhouse.

Why? Because I was given a challenge.

"I HATE having my picture taken," I was told.

I hear that a few times a year... and my standard answer to that statement?

"Well... we'll be changing your mind about that... if only for one day."

So the challenge was on. Miss Shouse was, at the very least, uneasy about this process.. and at worst... was dreading it.

I had a reluctant client... Ok... I can manage that. However.. what I DID have... was a gal that clearly didn't give herself enough credit... as well as some great clothing choices... and finally... some great stories to RAZZ my easy-to-razz senior with!

Perhaps the one that I railed on Carrie the MOST about was the question I often ask...

"How did you end up at Stewart Photography for your senior session?"

(editor's note: most senior girls will say something like... "oh.. I've seen SO many friends' pictures." or "I've ALWAYS wanted to come here." or "we looked around and your pictures just stood out."

Carrie on the other hand?

"Ummm... I dunno... I didn't really care where i went... I kinda left it up to mom."


Guess I'm glad Mom was on my side!

I ribbed Carrie by telling her that if it really made no difference to her, that perhaps she should have just went to the closest department store photographer that rhymes with "tall fart" and call it good?

Her sheepish smile was all the apology I needed. :)

My second favorite story came from another common question.

"Do you have a part time job?"

I work in the Deli at Truncks.

Excuse me?

Clearly I've been sheltered from one of the all-time great NAMES of a place to work.

Truncks Country Foods of Reinbeck, of course!

And just like when she underestimated her ability to look amazing in front of the camera... she ALSO underplayed her hand at the grocery store.

How so?

Upon further questioning... Carrie's mom informed me that our senior subject is known as the "Deli Queen." At least in the walls of her own home, anyway.

Perhaps her queen status isn't just a family bias.. because from what I was able to gather... this high school student is relied on heavily at Truncks to do a little bit of everything... including managerial type duties. So while she probably despises the Deli Queen moniker... I'm sure her boss really does appreciate her abilities.

Maybe it was because the three of us were having so much fun... or maybe it had to do with the lateness of the season, or maybe it was a combo of both of those things? Regardless... what happened was that we took not just one trip to get an urban look.... but TWO. Two towns... two counties... lots of buildings, bricks, concrete, alleys and things that look the same year around. The perfect solution to the outdoor portion that is awfully brown and, well... brown right now. :)

I could toss in a few more stories about teasing Carrie about her boyfriend and the like, but truth is, I've made her wait far too long as it is. It was a totally fun session and I want to thank Miss Shouse for being such a good sport and allowing me to let my ornery side out. :)