This one had several layers...
Like an onion that you kept on peeling away, it was always something new and different. But, then again, for those of you that know Claire Rogers, you're probably not surprised.
Starting with what I like to call a "yearbook meltdown," Claire rushed in in late December to ensure that she was included in the Marshalltown High School Yearbook... with plans to get the rest of the story told some time during the winter.
Our mild winter turned to spring, yet there was still no Claire to be found.
Until last Thursday.
In walked Claire with a room full of props and ideas of her own... and a surprise return guest in good friend Alyxia, who we saw in late October. So... it was a double reunion of sorts!
So the three of us took advantage of the early greenery and got outside, despite the now seemingly chilly morning temps (after being spoiled for a few weeks of insanely high mercury readings) as well as high winds. It wouldn't stop the girls... or their fearless shooter. Miss Rogers even showed remarkable toughness in jumping into a tiny spring dress for her last outfit.
I had overheard the girls talking about superimposing the first letters of their first and last names... in one of MANY quirky conversations they had while their "out of the loop" photographer labored in the background. (i felt horribly inept on this one by not being down with the Lord of Rings and Dungeons and Dragons discussions... but hey... can't win 'em all!) So when Claire's initials were superimposed... she morphed into "Raire Cogers." It has kind of a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Mix in a plethora of books, a legit accordian (she ROCKED the accordian like a boss), a FILM camera, a directors chair, a harmonica, some DnD dice, a myriad of hats, and 99 luft balloons (it really WAS ninety-nine... we counted 'em and blew 'em all up one-by-one... about passed out a couple times, actually), you can see that this was indeed the rarest of sessions... or is it "Rairest?"
Just ask Miss "Cogers"... she'll tell ya... she is the Rairest of the rare. :)