I thought the name seemed familiar... but I just couldn't place it.
Why can't I place it???
Mama Cindy called about a month ago to get the low down, and even her name seemed to ring a bell.
A few weeks passed and at this late stage in the senior "season" I figured the potential late going client turned into someone ELSE's client.
In the meantime, we photographed West Marshall classmate, buddy, and Menards co-worker, Ian Day (see "A brand new Day"... March 31) and Mr. Day insisted that Josh Smoldt indeed was still planning on coming our way. In FACT, Josh was the one that talked him into coming!
Almost like clockwork then, Cindy called back, and set the date. April 9... 8 a.m.
That morning, I came into the studio at about 7:30... went to the computer, checked for Josh's account... and then I figured it all out.
On April 11, 2002 we photographed an ornery 7 year old... none other than Joshua Smoldt. Never to be seen again thru the doors of our studio.... until last Tuesday.
Nearly 11 years to the day, Josh confidently walked in the doors... this time with his girlfriend Kiley, instead of mom.... and we picked up right where we left off... making images of a good lookin' fella. The little guy had grown into a young man.
The weather acted like it wasn't going to cooperate (about like it's done all spring... or lack there of). No matter, Josh said... If we have to do all indoor... we're doing this TODAY.
So I had my marching orders. Josh, Kiley and I dodged the raindrops and got another one in the books... indoor AND outdoor.
We buzzed around Montour in the Hummer H3 trying desperately to find acceptable places in the midst of our lingering winter/dreary spring. I learned that in a funny small-world twist... that it would be just a few days until Josh would be right back in the Hummer... this time WITHOUT me driving.
As it turns out... Josh was attending BCLUW's prom that coming weekend... and as was mentioned in Ian Day's blog a couple weeks back, a Stewart Photography senior gal from there was borrowing the owner's SUV to make her arrival on the red carpet in front of the high school in style. That senior, Mackenzie Schleisman, and her BFF Molly Pieper (also a Stewart Photography senior) asked a couple friends from West Marshall to go with them to prom. Schleisman was to attend with Kolby Steiert while Molly was going with none other than Mr. Smoldt.
Small world indeed.
My wife and I dropped off the H3 yesterday afternoon, and I'm glad to report that it was returned in perfect working order. I told Josh that he would have to be my "mole" on the inside to report back to me on how Schleisman drove the thing... I'll be expecting a full report this week. What I can say is that all the kids looked fantastic, and I was flattered to be asked to play even a small role in their special day.
Hit me up with that driving report, Josh. ;)
Why can't I place it???
Mama Cindy called about a month ago to get the low down, and even her name seemed to ring a bell.
A few weeks passed and at this late stage in the senior "season" I figured the potential late going client turned into someone ELSE's client.
In the meantime, we photographed West Marshall classmate, buddy, and Menards co-worker, Ian Day (see "A brand new Day"... March 31) and Mr. Day insisted that Josh Smoldt indeed was still planning on coming our way. In FACT, Josh was the one that talked him into coming!
Almost like clockwork then, Cindy called back, and set the date. April 9... 8 a.m.
That morning, I came into the studio at about 7:30... went to the computer, checked for Josh's account... and then I figured it all out.
On April 11, 2002 we photographed an ornery 7 year old... none other than Joshua Smoldt. Never to be seen again thru the doors of our studio.... until last Tuesday.
Nearly 11 years to the day, Josh confidently walked in the doors... this time with his girlfriend Kiley, instead of mom.... and we picked up right where we left off... making images of a good lookin' fella. The little guy had grown into a young man.
The weather acted like it wasn't going to cooperate (about like it's done all spring... or lack there of). No matter, Josh said... If we have to do all indoor... we're doing this TODAY.
So I had my marching orders. Josh, Kiley and I dodged the raindrops and got another one in the books... indoor AND outdoor.
We buzzed around Montour in the Hummer H3 trying desperately to find acceptable places in the midst of our lingering winter/dreary spring. I learned that in a funny small-world twist... that it would be just a few days until Josh would be right back in the Hummer... this time WITHOUT me driving.
As it turns out... Josh was attending BCLUW's prom that coming weekend... and as was mentioned in Ian Day's blog a couple weeks back, a Stewart Photography senior gal from there was borrowing the owner's SUV to make her arrival on the red carpet in front of the high school in style. That senior, Mackenzie Schleisman, and her BFF Molly Pieper (also a Stewart Photography senior) asked a couple friends from West Marshall to go with them to prom. Schleisman was to attend with Kolby Steiert while Molly was going with none other than Mr. Smoldt.
Small world indeed.
My wife and I dropped off the H3 yesterday afternoon, and I'm glad to report that it was returned in perfect working order. I told Josh that he would have to be my "mole" on the inside to report back to me on how Schleisman drove the thing... I'll be expecting a full report this week. What I can say is that all the kids looked fantastic, and I was flattered to be asked to play even a small role in their special day.
Hit me up with that driving report, Josh. ;)