R & R normally suggests it's time to chill and treat oneself to rest and relaxation. As our senior season Version 2015 is just ramping up, that's really the last thing that's on our mind. Naturally then, the headline must mean something else, right?
East Marshall's Ryan Roberts has the market cornered on the R's in this case, and he got this year's male side of our always well represented Mustang contingent started.
After photographing a 6-foot-1 young lady in the previous session, we followed it up with arguably the tallest fella at East Marshall. Standing at all of 6-3, Ryan and Mama Crystal made their entrance with orange authority Thursday morning.
Orange authority?
A quick glance at Ryan's images can tell even the casual observer what color is his favorite. And not just orange... but BRIGHT orange. Even mom got into the act, because her t-shirt was orange, too! I asked her if we we're doing mother/son images. I got the death stare. :)
East Marshall's school colors don't include orange... but no matter... Mr. Roberts dons Air Jordan's that are are more vivid than a hunting vest to take care of that.
Hey... the dude, digs the color. Go big or go home, right?
So, I plowed through nearly every background I could think of that complimented orange... We even took advantage of Montour's orange brick post office to add to the hue of the day theme.
What I knew about Ryan coming in was that he was the younger brother to sister, Danielle, who dazzled us a couple years back. I also got very familiar watching Ryan's long floor game last winter as my freshman son was Ryan's primary backup at the 5 spot on Coach Bauder's East Marshall JV basketball team.
It should come as no surprise then that Ryan, Crystal and I spent a great deal of time talking Mustang athletics. (I know... shocker). But aside from that, I learned a few new things about Mr. Roberts.
Ryan works for Roger Vajgrt at Home Rental Center in Marshalltown, and is also logging hours as a host at Marshalltown's Neighborhood Bar and Grill... yep, you guessed it... Applebees. He tells me he really loves both jobs. :)
His future plans were to "get out of the house," which garnered a chuckle from his mom... but more accurately, Ryan told me he'd like to go to culinary school eventually.
A guy that can cook? Sounds like a keeper, ladies!
Aside from future plans, Ryan enjoys playing pickup hoops and more recently has developed a knack for Frisbee golf. When he's not getting attacked by a flock of angry birds, he's actually pretty tough at the sport.
Overall, it was a great morning. We even broke into the school (ok.. we got the key from Coach Wheater) so we could do lockeroom images. The annual resurfacing of the gym floor kept us off the court, but no matter... no one does sports images like we do... and Ryan's collage sets the bar high right out of the gate this year.
Thanks Team Roberts... great to see you again.