It's understandable.
Almost all seniors have at least a touch of anxiousness.
What if it rains? What do I need to bring? Will I remember everything?
What. If. The. Pictures. Don't. Turn. Out?
Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Whoa... back that up.
Excuse me, girlfriend?
That question was posed to me by the ultra discerning East Marshall senior Katie Brafford.
Twenty-one years and over 3500 seniors into this career, I looked her in the eye and confidently promised her... that won't be an issue at this studio.
"If anything... you're gonna hate me for having too many to choose from."
Overconfident? Arrogant? Braggadocios?
Probably. But if you ask me... anyone worth their salt at their craft has to have at least a little bit confidence in their ability.
So Monday rolled around and it was put up or shut up time for me and Miss Katie Marie. I knew she looked around at all of her options... and was well studied in what my competition can do. Letting Katie down was not an option.
I was aware of KBraff's look and style from brief encounters at East Marshall events... ballgames, homecomings... proms. So I wasn't surprised when she showed up with a super model's array of clothing and accessories. She would also be the first to admit that she spent a super model's amount of time in front of the mirror prepping herself as well!
A few times I was on the verge of wondering if she hadn't passed out or something in our changing room, but no worries... she was fine... just working on her game until it was spectacular. :)
Having a couple of those types at home myself, I joked with Katie about the Brad Paisley song, "Waitin' on a Woman." Knowing exactly how it feels on a daily basis in my house... this was just more of the same.
Why wasn't I surprised when Miss Brafford told me she was most likely going to cosmetology school after graduation?
Fittingly then, for the first time in my 21 years of photography, I had a senior ask if they could have a pose in front of our changing room mirror. I didn't know if the tight quarters would allow it... but sure enough it did... and Katie now has an image that is most certainly uniquely her.
Straight hair... Curly hair. Wet hair.
Cowboy boots, heels, wedges, tall boots, bare feet.
There wasn't a base we didn't cover on this day. BFF Abbie Charlier and I were there every step of the way to make sure no stone was unturned and no Pinterest Planned Pose wasn't at least attempted.
At the end of the day I can talk till I'm blue in the face about how well I think the images turned out. But ultimately, I'll have to let Katie and the general public decide.
I'll say this. I don't think Katie will be needing a re-shoot any time soon.
That being said, a request for another session just because she would love to do it all over again would suffice as an apology for ever asking, "what if they don't turn out?"
Promise delivered. ;)