It was one of those days that if I had a NORMAL job... I would have called in sick. But when your name is on the front of the building... one doesn't have that luxury.
It was Autumn Maxwell's senior session date... Marshalltown Class of 2005 member. She had her hair done... she was ready to roll. The only problem was... her photographer was worshiping the gods of porcelain.
"You don't mind being exposed to that?"
So... it was game on. And being the gamer I was... the images were solid per usual. Rescheduling disaster averted.
Fast forward five years and now it is little sister Mehlon's turn. I got to reunite with Autumn and mother LaTrenda, but THIS time, they got me at full strength! Being of sound mind and body (in addition to being CAUGHT UP with photoshop work... a rarity indeed!) we were ready to roll on Tuesday morning.
It's my hope that the sisters will not be able to see a quality difference in any way... but I know THIS much... I felt a heck of a lot better on Maxwell sister version 2.0. ;-)
Here's hoping the only germs that Mehlon felt she needed to get away from were my Hawkeye cooties that she, being a future Cyclone, no doubt was infested with by riding around in the H3...

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