Aaron came our way by way of South Carolina and was back visiting family for just a week and it just so happened that we could squeeze him into our Christmas preparation!
We had photographed Aaron's sister, Elisha (MHS-'06) a few years ago, and Mama Kim insisted on having us once again. Only difference is, instead of a beautiful fall session... we were bustin' it out in deep snow this time around.
It proved to be quite a culture shock for Aaron as he told me he had been wearing shorts around in nearly 60-degree temps a day or two before. He was a trooper while we were trudging around in the snow (he wasn't wearing socks, gang)... but, man... I could tell dude was COLD.
In my process of getting to know Aaron... I found out that he had a deep interest in photography. He's taken 3 or 4 semesters of photography back home and so we got some cool angles with a camera in his hand... even more impressive is the fact that Aaron's a NIKON guy. Kudos, my friend. ;-)
Even though he enjoys the still format of photography, it sounded like to me that he is ultimately interested in studying motion pictures in college, perhaps. So... don't kid yourself... I'll be name droppin' when Aaron becomes the next Spielberg.
This looks like it'll be the last blog entry for 2009. It's been a fantastic year for Stewart Photography. Thank you to all of our wonderful clients and fans of our blog. Merry Christmas and we're looking forward to an awesome New Year in 2010!

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