Friday, December 10, 2010

Excellent Smither(man)

Kind of a small world co-inky-dink deal i ran into Tuesday afternoon.

Not only did I have a second senior fella in what would normally be a slow period for our studio... but they were from the same school, actually. (and NO... they aren't up against it for yearbook deadline, strangely enough).

So in walks Austin Smitherman and his mother... but it wasn't the first time I had "encountered" them.

Turns out last spring... just before graduation I photographed yet ANOTHER BCLUW guy that went by the same first name... and similar last name (Smith).

As I'm known to do anymore... I looked up the Austin Smith on facebook... but... could only track down an Austin Smitherman. BCLUW, yes. But not the right guy.

Turns out... we got that guy too... it was just eight months later.

So, in comes Smitherman and it turns out... I had another "connection" with the guy that preceded him.

Because Facebook tells all... it came to light that our Tuesday afternoon senior has something special going with a young gal name Denelle, who has frequented our studio for family pictures.

So, in between our previous story... his main squeeze... the Hawkeyes and the cold weather... we had plenty to talk about on this afternoon. Throw in an excitable one year old boxer pup... and we had a full day.

Thanks for the business, gang... felt like busy season all over again.

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