It's not often that you have TWO landmark moments in your life in just one day.
But Friday was just that for Ryan.
Maybe I'm giving too much credit for a guy's outlook on getting his senior portraits taken, but if we can, for arguments sake, put it in the "landmark" category, this dude got his Super Bowl weekend kicked off in style!
It was fitting that the Steeler Fan Photographer had to shoot a Cheesehead heading into the big weekend, and after what happened last night, I'll definitely have to give mad props to all of Packer Nation, but I digress.
Back to Friday.
Mr. Hines other big moment happened when he inked his letter of intent to attend Iowa Central in Fort Dodge on a football scholarship next fall. The Titans got themselves a big 'un as Hines' time in the weight room and that 300+ pound bench press paid off for the Comet senior. The long term goal is to eventually play for Coach Mark Farley at UNI... so here's hoping Ryan reaches that goal of playing in the Dome once and for all!
While he's all business on the football field... his ornery side came out during the session as we got some part showtime/part playful images of future offensive center/business management major. Check out what a ham he was when the lights turned on. Number 56, ladies and gentlemen. :)
Mad props must go out to Mama Lisa as well, who, despite having to kill two birds with one stone with the L.O.I. signing and senior pictures in one day... ALSO wore a smile after having her car backed into at the post office and having the front end crunched. Oops!
So, college got paid for, senior pics were put in the can, his favorite team won the Super Bowl. Bet that weekend won't be forgotten any time soon.

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