Thursday, March 26, 2015

This session was totally B.A.

Frankly, I'm disappointed in myself that I hadn't noticed it before.

I must be slipping.

We're three outfits into this session with Mr. Bo Ambler, and I take the black and white image that you see below here...

I glance at the back of the camera... smirk a little... look up.

"Dude... that's totally B.A."

You'd think a guy with the initials B.S. would've appreciated the not-so-hidden meaning of a pair of great initials before he had uttered something so accurate, yet ironic... but he didn't.

Mama Valerie did, however.   And was quick to point it out.

They, along with longtime girlfriend (and might I add... most excellent photographer's assistant for the day), Emma Sternhagen, got a laugh out of my out-of-nowhere epiphany.

"You're RIGHT!"  I said.    "That IS totally, B.A.!"

Now the hand we were dealt for the outdoor portion of this job wasn't a good one...   Don't get me wrong... we were all thankful for the nearly perfect spring day we were blessed with... but green and full of new life, it's not, as of yet.   So, waiting to get those darn braces off, while a great thing for his smile... limited us a bit outside.

The solution?  Get that man next to a barn and some buildings and an alley way or a grain bin... and we were set.   Toss in a cross bow and then a trip to just south of Grundy Center to see his boss Justin Lynch and equipment from Boulder Contracting and dude was in for a long afternoon of being bossed around by yours truly and his two favorite ladies.  :)

Outfit after outfit, we plowed thru Mr. Ambler's torture.   A pit stop at Hardee's by Valerie probably was key to keeping the young man's attention for the duration of the session... so the photographer was thankful for Mom's willingness to buck up and drive Bo's super loud pickup truck across town on the dash for a Thickburger while we set up for the motorcycle images! 

Speaking of that Yamaha.   I'm not sure I had ever seen a guy so meticulously strap his pride and joy to a trailer like this guy did.  In fact... when mom offered to do so one when we were finished (so that he might be free to allow the photographer to take more images of him), he rebuked her offer.   Insisting on doing it himself... so that it was done perfectly.

Or so he thought.

On our way to Greater Grundyville, I was following the Ambler Caravan.   Bo and Emma in the pickup... towing the bike.   Mama Val in the family SUV directly behind... and then the H3.

Then I saw them.

Brake lights.

Our parade lost speed suddenly... and I followed suit as each vehicle eased on over to what little shoulder was there on the highway just north of Green Mountain.

A clearly disgusted senior guy stormed out of his truck and then I caught what the problem was.

The Yamaha was on it's side.

Uh oh.

Instead of staying in it's upright position, the strapped up bike had worked it's way sideways, and Mr. Ambler was clearly none-to-happy about it.

Cars whizzed by in what felt like kind of a perilous situation at the top of that hill there somewhere near the Marshall/Grundy county line.   What was five minutes seemed like an hour as Team Ambler scrambled to get the motorcycle safely secured again.

Alas that did happen... but when we arrived at the job site 10 minutes later to get Bo photographed with the big red Boulder dump truck... Emma said it might be a few minutes.

"Ummm... we kinda have a blood situation on our hands."

I laughed... but I probably shouldn't have... because as a guy... we've all been there.   Ticked off... the blood boils... and then suddenly it seems like a prudent decision to punch... say... umm.... a motorcycle trailer.


A mere flesh wound, right Bo?

Nothing that a few minutes of cleaning up wouldn't fix... but the problem was that the sun was setting... and FAST.

Our wonderful spring day had suddenly gotten quite cold as Emma shivered her way through holding my auxiliary flash just a few more times as her beloved bludgeoned Bo popped off a few more B.A. looks in the spot that was totally appropriate for it.... work.

Valerie had explained to me before the session that she had herself a blue collar son who was never happier... than when he was at work.   Early to rise... work all day... get those hands dirty (or bloody?).   Rinse and repeat.   Toss in some huntin', some cruisin and his girl... and you, my friends... have the story of Bo Ambler.    Better late than never.   Thanks for sharing your day with me, gang.

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