Thursday, June 25, 2015

Nabbing Nablo...

I knew this day would come.

Hang around long enough, and we all get reminders of how old we're getting.

So when Tyler Nablo's grandmother, LuAnn called to set up senior pictures for her daughter's son... it hit me.

I tried to think if there were any others previously.   I asked my wife (because that's what men do as they advance in age... ask their better half because their minds are SHARPER).   She couldn't think of any exceptions either.

So it must be the case.   This edition of "you're getting old, Stewart" is brought to you by East Marshall senior, Tyler Nablo... The very first Stewart Photography senior to be the offspring of a...  you guessed it... a former Stewart Photography senior.

Tyler's mom, then Amanda Cooling... visited me way back in 1997 as a member of EM's class of 1998.   Yep... I just dated ya that way, Amanda.   Sorry... you're getting old, too.  :)   Nevertheless, Bill Clinton was president... the Y2K hysteria hadn't hit yet... and I was just a handful of years into running this place down here in Montour.

Fast forward 18 years or thereabouts, and it can no longer be denied... when you're shooting seniors born of former seniors... you've been doing it awhile.

Tyler and I were "flying solo" on this day, so I didn't get to catch up with either LuAnn or Amanda, but it was all good.   I got to hear all kinds of stories about how Tyler was gonna be rich someday (that's why he had to be photographed in a suit)... and about his hybrid trapshooting team of Mustangs and Comets called the Sharpshooters.   I heard about him possibly going to college way out west, and of course there was a healthy dose of discussing East Marshall athletics... namely baseball and football.

It was a pleasure getting the Stewart Photography Second Generation kicked off with Mr. Nablo.    God willing, the club that he started will continue to grow in the coming weeks, months and years.   Evidently after all these years... Team Cooling decided that we still got it down here in this little town... and for that, I'm thankful.

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