Over 15 years in this business has shown me many things... but I saw a couple occurances for the first time with this session last week...
This powerful young athlete came our way wanting a multi-image collage.... but I can't recall ever having to mix FIVE different sports before. Four plenty of times...... never five. Evidently Gladbrook-Reinbeck allows this gal to perform double duty in the spring between soccer and track. That makes me tired just thinkng about it.
Rose was a TON of laughs during her session...... such a good grip on sarcasm and dry humor.... but nothing was more funny to me than the OTHER first time occurance for this shooter.
Now... granted... Rose and her lovely mom, Marcia had a LOT to remember......
Five outfits, check.
Accessories, check.
Shoes, check
Curling iron, check
Five sports uniforms, check.
Sports equipment, check.
A dozen roses, check.
Mom's checkbook, check. :-)
The one thing that a young lady has to have? Ummm.... No. Props to Dad for being able to fish it out of her room...... AND running it down to us to avoid what was quickly becoming an implosion.
Somethings I'll never forget..... and that was one of them. Gladly we all can laugh it about it now. The great news is that despite our rocky start with the missing, ahem... undergarment..... Rose held it together and kicked out some killer images.

This powerful young athlete came our way wanting a multi-image collage.... but I can't recall ever having to mix FIVE different sports before. Four plenty of times...... never five. Evidently Gladbrook-Reinbeck allows this gal to perform double duty in the spring between soccer and track. That makes me tired just thinkng about it.
Rose was a TON of laughs during her session...... such a good grip on sarcasm and dry humor.... but nothing was more funny to me than the OTHER first time occurance for this shooter.
Now... granted... Rose and her lovely mom, Marcia had a LOT to remember......
Five outfits, check.
Accessories, check.
Shoes, check
Curling iron, check
Five sports uniforms, check.
Sports equipment, check.
A dozen roses, check.
Mom's checkbook, check. :-)
The one thing that a young lady has to have? Ummm.... No. Props to Dad for being able to fish it out of her room...... AND running it down to us to avoid what was quickly becoming an implosion.
Somethings I'll never forget..... and that was one of them. Gladly we all can laugh it about it now. The great news is that despite our rocky start with the missing, ahem... undergarment..... Rose held it together and kicked out some killer images.

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