*Man, am I tired. I can't believe I am THIS far behind! Why is my business so seasonal? Will my kids ever listen the FIRST time? Why did coach Ferentz play Christensen in the second half? Will the Cubs EVER get the World Series? How come we don't have more seniors on the schedule?*
Complain, complain, complain.
In walks Zach, his dad and his aunt and I realize I need to give my head a shake.
As I author this at 5:23 a.m. after yet another 4 a.m. wake up I am thankful and humbled, for you see... as bad as things may seem sometimes, I think we all need perspective occasionally.
Zach lost his mother this past year to a battle with cancer.
So... while this space is normally reserved for fun, witty banter about our experiences here at our little studio...... I ask all of you today..... give your loved ones a hug.
THAT's what truly important. Not the Cubs... the QB situation at Iowa..... my schedule.
To Zach, Dean and Diana: Thank you for blessing me with your business. I won't pretend to know what you've gone through. I will say that you're in my thoughts and prayers. It's my hope that I brought a sliver of joy to you this week.

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