Monday, October 13, 2008

Kudos to Emily and Co.

Emily capped our week of seniors with a session that included her family (little boys and sitting still don't mix... just sayin'). It was great to see Katie (EM Class of '03) and her two little vinegar filled fellas (hey Logan and Jordan!) along with Mama Kris and her man, Jon as well.

Jon's company, Marshallnet has had a integral part in our studio's evolution during the past decade. The early 2000's saw our transition from film to digital. Of course, running a digital studio is not possible without computers. Not just ANY computers..... but MONSTER computers with multiple hard drives, portable hard drives, RAM, hyper threading... you name it. And as most of you know.... it's not IF you'll have problems....... it's WHEN! Special thanks to Marshallnet for not only servicing my original computer.... but also putting in another at home so at the very least... I can be SEEN by my family while retouching hours on end. :-)

Emily was an easy-goin' gal that would be the first to admit that she wasn't looking forward to her session..... but in the end... I think she was glad that we put her through the "torture."

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