Sunday, August 19, 2012

Coach(ing) Carter...

I see this sometimes...  Probably more so with guys than the gals... There are exceptions of course... in fact... just the previous blog to this one fell in the category as well.

What is "this?"

It's the senior... or most often... the senior GUY...  that is COMPLETELY hands off on his session...

Oh... he wasn't grouchy about it... (and I've seen THAT over the years, too)... Quite the opposite, actually.   Carter Richerodt seemed happy to be here... just pretty much willing to go with the flow and had no requests or demands.

The pessimist might put a negative spin on that and say that he just didn't care... but I would prefer to look at things positively and say that Carter just trusted us.

In fact... I wanna say that that's pretty much how this cat chooses to live his life... Easy goin' and laid back... Carter joked with me that he's just takin' one thing at a time when I asked him what he planned on doing NEXT fall for college.   I'm not sure Mama Jill or perhaps his high school guidance counselor would agree with that approach, but hey, to each his own... And Carter isn't gonna sweat it at this point!  :)

He did tell me about his desire to go into vocal performance... so, I'm gonna assume that dude's got a good set of pipes.

From the sounds of it, Hy-Vee keeps our future All-State singer busy in his spare time... and one look at that perfect row of teeth tells me that he's got the helpful smile part down for the company mantra.  (#rimshot #insertgroanhere)

I also learned something during the session.   Yet another reminder that I ain't gettin' any younger.   I hate to date Carter's lovely mother, Jill... but what I will say is she had her senior images taken by the former owner of my studio... and, in fact, I JUST missed getting to take them for her, as she was in just one year before I started doing senior sessions for John Foley.   I asked Carter if we should pull his mom's negatives for the entertainment value... I think it's safe to say that Jill was not entertained.  :)

So it was another session where I had to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and lead 'em thru it with virtually little or no requests or direction... but that's ok... that's why I get hired in the first place, right?

He may have not wanted to be the boss... but I'll let Mr. Richerodt be the judge.  ;)

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