Saturday, October 27, 2012

Logan's slogan: A boy with lots of toys...

When you've got so many options, it's hard to decide.

And that's when push all your chips to the center of the table.

That's exactly what East Marshall senior Logan Ferneau decided to do.

His mother, Chris, had told me there might be a car... a truck... a crotch rocket... a dirt bike... maybe even the family business vehicle!

While his beloved truck was sold prior to the session... we still had plenty of other toys to play with... and play we did.

To say it was a CRISP October morning would be an understatement.   Nevertheless, we made our way to the Ferneau homestead south of Marshalltown to tackled all these vehicles.

Logan's Plymouth isn't completed as of yet... but that didn't stop us.  With a lot of help from dad... we shot from angles that only would show the good side.   And while the engine is still a work in progress... it too made the session from in what was as CLEAN of a shop as you'll ever find.   Look at that thing!  SPOTLESS!  :)

Logan is proud of being a Mopar man, but that doesn't stop him from finding time to do a little two wheel action as well.   We photographed all the toys individually and together of course... and a couple hours later... Mama Chris was beating Papa Ferneau back with a stick to keep him from working in yet ANOTHER car that just happened to be feeling neglected in the shed up on the hill.  Needless to say... the Ferneaus like their vehicles!  :)

Logan's father DID get the house moving truck worked in before we left, however... and I think that just may have made his day.   Although it didn't make the blog... Pops looks particularly proud in a few shots I took of him and his son with the HUGE house mover.

After completing our time at the Ferneau Ranch... we did some more urban images... and also pulled just off Highway 30 on the way back to the studio to pick up some of the remaining fall color.  

It was at that time that we captured the very last image on this blog.  Perhaps Logan's best "prop" to throw into the session... girlfriend Novana Brown got her shot in front of the lens.  She was a TROOPER all morning in giving us a hand with the making of the images.   It was the least I could do to include my favorite image of the couple as a thank you to her for all her help that Wednesday morning.

Thanks to Team Ferneau for another epic session.   If you ever need a WHOLE HOUSE moved... you

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