One of the very first senior moms that I heard from back in the spring was Montour's very own Barb Kelley.
I'm sure she thought I was NEVER gonna shut up as, like I'm known to do, I gave her the full court press while trying to recruit her daughter's business.
I explained that while I didn't really KNOW her daughter, I had talked to her briefly a few weeks prior at South Tama's prom.
Rewind back to Saturday, April 28... My wife and I on our way out of Montour, heading for Tama, getting our focus on for the job of photographing the prom for STC High School. I'm starting to accelerate and out of the corner of my eye... there she was...
A short dark silver dress... amazing 4-inch heels... sharp lookin guy dressed to the nines beside her... doing what juniors and senior do right before they leave for prom...
Take pictures with their folks, of course!
I didn't know WHO she was yet... but I had a hunch that I would be bumping into her again real soon.
Sure enough, I was right... That little silver dress DID make an appearance, and as she and her date came thru our line... I asked, "was that you I saw taking taking pictures on the edge of Montour?"
Sure enough, it was.
I can't be for SURE that that brief conversation led to her eventually ending up at our studio for senior pictures, but I know this... It never hurts to be friendly to someone and tell them that they look nice.
Perhaps it was just proximity... or maybe she thought our style was just the ticket she was looking for for her senior images. Regardless. Eventually, we DID get to do Chelsea's session.
It wasn't without further review, however, as SEVERAL months after our original phone call, Mama Barb and Chels paid me a visit to talk options.
The delay between first phone call and that next visit was SO long that my internal clock had told me that Chelsea had probably gone somewhere else for her senior images.
Thankfully, I was wrong. :)
Where does the interpretation come in then?
During their consultation visit, Chelsea struggled to express to me something that she was wanting.
All she could really get out was that she wanted some of her outdoor images to be remote... secluded... and somehow different than what I'd ever done before.
Most know that if I had a nickel for every time I had heard something along those lines, I could have retired by now... But I understood... I totally get that... and while it's never easy... It's something I strive to accomplish for every senior client.
Ultimately, Chelsea will have to be the judge of whether I succeeded in our tag-team effort. She did push me out of the box in a couple of spots that we hit early on in the session. I had been out to the old rusty river bridge just northeast of town a hundred times before her session, but never in the way that Chelsea had showed me... Seems as though she's spent some quiet time out there on occasion under the bridge and next to the river... so I'm betting that those images mean more to her than most.
We weren't done there, however... we had another secluded place to go... followed by hitting up the most populace place in Marshall County to help her rock her black jeans and jacket with a little more urban flair before returning to her hometown to polish off the session with some indoor.
It was six months from stem to stern in this process of getting to this point. I'm guessing that the past 2 1/2 weeks of waiting to see her images have seemed like twelve months. Thanks for your patience... and your hometown patronage.

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