Sunday, December 22, 2013

Windy City Jordan...

The last senior guy of the calender year 2013 was right up my alley...

The #23 jersey... the Jumpman tattoo, the Bulls flatbills... the Nike Air kicks... could there be any doubt this guy's name was Jordan?

Sure enough it was... Jordan Dolash, to be exact.   Toss in some Bears gear and I had little problem striking up some convos with a guy whose favorite city just happened to be the only major metropolitan city I'd visited more than once or twice myself.

The Stewart Family happens to be big fans of the Windy City... and it was clear from the git-go that Mr. Dolash was as well.

Given his name by his father during the height of Michael Jordan's reign with the Chicago Bulls, our BCLUW senior was born in March of 1996... just months prior to His Airness collecting the fifth of six NBA Championships.  Not hard to imagine that a dad would want his boy named after such a epic winner.

So it wasn't a surprise when Jordan told me of his trademark Jumpman tattoo on the right side of his ribcage that he wanted highlighted.  Anyone that knows me knows that making collages that involve anything sports related it right in my wheelhouse, so Jordan and his mother Jessica and I went to work making it all happen.

Add in some other sport interest of Comet golf and even some passion for hunting... and I had plenty of directions that needed covered.

We found a couple wooded areas that still looked acceptable, and rounded up my golf clubs from my daughter's boyfriend (who had borrowed them and not surprisingly forgotten to return them) and the fringe sports were taken care of.   But in the end, it was the odes to the Bulls, MJ and the Bears that were really important to Jordan.

On the way in the door I think Jordan would the first to admit that his mom was the more excited of our two guests.   But it didn't take long for Mr. Dolash to close the gap on his mom... and I'm not so sure he may not have passed her by the end of the session.

There was nearly a three week gap until we would see another senior (who would end up being our last of 2013), so when you're at the culmination of five months of craziness, you end up having your patience tested more than anyone else on the docket.

I promised Jordan and his mom before he left that while the wait would be long, I would make sure that it would be worth it.   As we have Christmas on our doorstep now, I certainly hope they feel this early present is just that... worth the wait.

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