The session would have probably gotten over AT LEAST one half hour earlier, if not for the incessant text message-interruptions from big sis, Alicia, who just flat out could not stand not being right where the action was! (just razzin ya!... and, hey... get my Cubbies goin again, would ya, Alicia?)
It was great to see dad at the session as he's overcome some serious health issues in the past year. There's nothing more important than experiencing things with our children and I was glad to see Dan at our session, if for no other reason than to just "be there."
Mama Julie and I go way back to my 7th grade year when the greatest Jr. High English instructor that old South East Marshall County ever saw, left before getting the chance to spread her wealth of knowledge in my 8th grade campaign. And while I ended up doing OK for myself, I have no doubt that my potential was stunted by her departure. :-)
Ang got some really cool stuff.... hats off for having the fortitude to stand in the Iowa River despite a 40 degree morning! Check out the candid image below of her laughing. This almost always happens when I ask a client to "be serious."

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