The most meaningful images were the shots with the bow below. That bow belonged to a life-long friend that Blaine tragically lost a few years back. The Krakow Construction logo on the two images below aren't just a shameless plug.... they represent this friend and his father's business. It's my hope that we did Blaine's friend's memory justice.
I want to give Blaine a title of his own as THE MAN that covered both ends of the spectrum with style and grace. Blaine is clearly an outdoorsman and his images and outfits portray that... but big ups to the senior guy that isn't afraid to throw on the suit as well. Dang, brutha... lookin' sharp! (truth is... Blaine did it to face less mockery from Grandma, who was along from the session... and let me tell ya.. this gal could dish it out. Most grandmas never see anything wrong with their grandchildren... but this grandmama was talking smack with the best of 'em!)

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