Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sometimes it's undeniable


I'm human.

So anyone that pretends to tell you in a robotic way that everything is equal and life is always fair... is lying.

I think those that know me well know that I'll break my back for you.

I'm flawed... I make mistakes... I'm not the world's best shooter. I don't claim to be Central Iowa's Most Dominant Photographer... I've got a lot to learn.... even after all these years.

So, what does this all mean?

It means that when a family that includes mom and two precious girls comes to me three years ago wanting to be treated well because they were referred to me by family members after going elsewhere the year before... I didn't have to do something EXTRA to impress them...

I just had to be me.

Evidently that was enough.

A couple family sessions, several other projects, not the least of which includes discussing love of the HAWKEYES with the mom who shares of my affinity of all things black-n-gold... and suddenly the way-too-old looking freshman girl in those family pictures from three years ago... was ready for senior pictures in a blink of an eye.

Second newsflash... THAT girl didn't end up becoming any less beautiful over the last 36 months.

From the moment Denelle batted her insane lashes in my presence, I just thought to myself... "don't screw this up Stewart... and you'll have the easiest session you'll ever have to photograph."

That session happened Monday.

In between that fall day back in 2008 and now... Denelle's mom and I have been planning for this day... both of us knowing it had to be special.

And while I try as hard as anyone to give everyone equal treatment... going overboard for even our smallest sessions... sometimes it's hard not being a little biased.

So when Mama Jayne and Denelle finally walked in Monday morning... I knew something NEW had to be done.

We've photographed over 3,000 seniors in my 18 years in business... but I can unequivocally say that nearly all the spots we used on this day were Denelle originals.

Anything both of the girls have ever told me is positive. You're amazing... You're the best. Take your time... We're in no hurry. Thank you so much for everything you've done for us.

Not gonna lie. It's hard not to want to take that broken back of your own that you've already bent over backwards and destroyed... and somehow try to bend even further for them.

If I've said it once... I've said it a hundred times. Flattery will get you everywhere. :)

So Denelle and Jayne started in Grundy Country... came to Tama... traveled through Marshall County and Story... and back... Six towns... a myriad of outfits... and a TON of heat and humidity... But no matter... the results speak for themselves.

It would be easy to sit here and tell you how much I think the images rock.. and how much I think we nailed it.

I'll let you decide.

Thanks ladies. Your words and deeds mean the world... and they speak volumes.

I'll never forget your day. I hope you won't either.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A 57 and a Chevy

The week of seniors came to an end with a rarity.

An East Marshall senior that I WASN'T familiar with.

Being born and raised in these parts, it's not often that a EM senior reaches my studio without me being very familiar with he or she... their folks... their "story," so to speak.

Then there's A.J.

Typically the Mustang seniors I'm not ultra-acquainted with are the more and more common open enrollment students.

Which is exactly what Mr. Vaske is.

He told me he's spent time at South Tama, GMG even Dallas Center-Grimes before settling in at LeGrand his sophomore year.

The beauty of my job is in a situation like this... the unfamiliar can become familiar in a matter of a few hours.

A.J. flew solo for his session so there was chatter a plenty between a couple of Hawkeye fans. :)

My father would be the first to tell ya that I don't know the first thing about cars and engines and the like... so I had to do a pretty good job of faking it when my senior wanted to talk about his sled... horsepower, cylinders and such. But I held my own and got him up to speed with all things Hummer.

A self proclaimed former Ford fanatic... A.J. informed me that he once said he'd never be caught dead in a GM vehicle... yet there he was... in his Chevy that he's very proud of... (and working two jobs to pay for).

Our other main focus point was talking football... not just the Hawks... but East Marshall. Number 57 in your program, Mustang fans... :)

A trip to the gridiron in LeGrand was in order then... and with the assistance of my trusty eight-year old sidekick mini-me, Blake... we got some unique stuff.

I asked A.J. who his best friends were at EM now that it's home for him... and he would only give me one that he really trusted.

"I have a hard time making friends."

Well... you've got one more now, A.J.

Thanks my man.

Grip and rip... with Team Wollam

Dude has lots of passions.

That much I know.

Whether it be helping with his dad's racing team... or chasing down a little white ball on a big green lawn... or followin' the Hawks in the house that Kinnick built or maybe even bustin' out his saxophone, Ben Wollam keeps busy.

Needless to say, I had my work cut out for me on Thursday morning as Ben and his entourage arrived. Team Wollam included mom, dad, sis and best friend Paul.

The morning was full of fun, however, as we started with the racecar. As with most racing teams, it's a family affair, and the 3w car is no exception. Sister Aly worked it into her session a few years back and both Ben and Paul's names are on the back of the car... so naturally, it means something to them. Papa Jeff did most of the heavy lifting getting it here and back... so special thank you's to pops for that.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention it was great to see Miss Aly again. Unbeknownst to her, I had been talking about her behind her back for a few years. And Thursday was the day that it came to light about the "Aly Rule." It's a long story, so you'll have to ask her for the details... but it will suffice to say that back when Al graduated... i made a BIG mistake not letting her drive the H3 at her session. She called me out later that senior season... got her chance to drive it at someone else's session.... and now she has a rule named after her. :)

After the car stuff was put in our hip pocket... attention turned to what I could tell was Ben's real passion.


An employee of the Legion Golf Course in Marshalltown, Ben is no weekend hacker. Dude's got game. It's no secret that he's entering his third season of being the Bobcats' top individual. Ninth in conference a year ago... Mr. Wollam knows what he's doing on the fairways and greens.

In fact, in just a little over 40 hours or so, Ben will be boarding a plane and heading to Florida. Palm Beach Gardens, to be exact.

In what he called his biggest accomplishment so far in his young career, Ben qualified recently for the Optimist International Junior Golf Championship. Played in the shadows of the PGA Headquarters, Ben will be teeing it up Tuesday at the PGA National Resort and Spa against some of the finest golfers his age worldwide.

No less than 167 golfers from places like China, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Jamaica, Colombia, Indonesia, Bermuda, Austrailia and the U.S. will be competing in one of the largest and most prestigious junior golf events in the world.

That doesn't suck.

So, I had my work in front of me trying to do this golfer justice.

Sure we worked in some Hawkeye love... and cracked out the ol' saxophone... but it was the GOLF stuff that meant the most... I could tell.

We neared the end of the long session... and we were already over by two hours... and I just couldn't let it go... so I suggested that I "torture" Ben even longer by following him into work (which I made him late for) at the Legion. (thanks John Schrempf!)

What better way to finish the session than to get Ben in his home away from home... so off to the Legion we went. It had gotten hot and humid again, but no matter... there were images to be had... and as any Tiger Woods fan knows... when the red shirt is on... it's finishing time.

I think we did that.

Good luck in Florida, Ben!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Takin' the long Roed-ing

Under promise... over deliver.

Words to live by when running a business.

So when one reads our brochure and sees our five outfit session lasts three hours, it's a pretty safe bet to figure that we're gonna run longer than that.

That's how we roll. :)

So in comes Jenna on Wednesday with all her outfits and sports stuff and usually at the end of our brief consultation, I'll ask a question that i USUALLY already know the answer to.

That question?

"Do you have any deadlines of your own today? Have to be anywhere by a certain time?"

Almost without fail... the response?.... "Nope."

I ask it just IN CASE we have to show a little more hustle than we already do. But it's not an issue normally... because it's SENIOR PICTURE DAY, of course!

So when I asked the formality question at 8 a.m. to Jenna and Mama Lisa.... they looked at each other and then Lisa said...

"Well, if we could be on the road at 11:30, that would be great."

Uh oh.

Five outfits...... a female with long hair and make up to deal with in tropical heat and humidity? I smelled trouble... but I proceeded with an extra hop in my step.

Even so... 3 outfits in it was 10:30... and we were on location... and there was just an hour left and a regular outfit left in addition to sports and pricing talk.

I was hosed.

With my tail between my legs I asked the ladies... "how firm is that 11:30 thing?"

Then came the truth.

Hard to blame a gal... when it was THIS hot... but it came to the surface that Jenna and a few friends were running to Lost Island water park in Waterloo in the early afternoon to beat the heat.

Been there... awesome place... and tons of fun.

However... they underestimated their photographer's insane desire to max out their experience and quality of images.

I will apologize in retrospect to Jenna friends for making her late for the fun. But in the end... there's only one day for senior pictures... and I'm glad I did a little arm twisting to get what I wanted.

Hopefully the images you see are what you wanted. :)

Thanks for staying late with me.