I knew the answer before I even asked it.
We were walking through our pre-session gameplan with Jacob and his mother Kelley... and they told me about his outfits... and such and, like most guys... he was pretty much non-committal on all other topics...
Except one.
His truck.
So I asked Jacob... was there anything else besides his truck that he wanted to make sure that I got done for him.
(See line two above for the response)
So... I knew dude loved his Dodge Ram.... and rightfully so. This thing was flawless... I didn't see a spot on it... and considering the couple of days the area had just been through, that's saying something.
The task then was to make sure we had some killer truck images... and I told Kelley (who's a pretty fair photographer herself) that I was gonna try to run him through "50-ways-to-photograph-a-truck." And we about did just that. :)
Aside from that, Jacob does have an affinity for farming and specifically for John Deere tractors. With the help of his mom, she and I collaborated to create the double image below which saved the tractor from coming to Montour... or the Montour photographer going to the tractor (near Conrad).
Additionally... I learned that Jacob is a budding businessman himself as he's the CEO of SmithWay Incorporated. (Ok... I'm not SURE it's incorporated... but I'm going with it) Seems as though Mr. Smith and a friend with the last name Calloway are makin' a killin mowin' lawns in Comet Country. Mom tells me there's always room for more business... so there's your shameless plug, Jacob! :)
As I had mentioned it was a rough couple of days around the Stewart Photography stomping grounds. Plenty of damage here in town postponed my Monday session and between the damage and the already torn up town due a sewer project. Suddenly getting around this little city ain't easy. So I want to thank the Smith's for their patience and bearing with me.

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