Friday, June 8, 2012

Meet The Simpsons...

And to think, it ALMOST didn't happen.  ;)

I did get to meet Mac Simpson Wednesday morning... along with Papa Stacy and Mama Tambra... and while there hasn't been any drought of BCLUW seniors in recent years, we nearly let this one get away.

Of course I'm laughing about it now, but... according to a very good friend of mine, I won't mention any names (Chris Rhinehart), I almost blew it.

Long story short, as it often is the case, one mom talks to another... says we're the place to go... former senior mom convinces current senior mom of our merit... current senior mom does her homework... isn't COMPLETELY sold right away... former senior mom tries to "help out" by tipping me off that current senior mom may be slipping thru my proverbial fingers... former senior mom insists I break studio policy to reel her in...  epic texting argument ensues between former senior mom and current studio owner.... current studio owner sticks to his guns... former senior mom throws up her hands figuring current studio owner is one giant bullheaded horses behind.

And while the very last statement there is most certainly true, somehow no studio policies were broken... current studio owner and current senior mom finally actually TALKED on the phone... and what do you know?  Mac was on his way to Montour!  :)


The best part is that all three parties have had good laughs about  it all now... and I think if you ask current senior mom if she's glad she listened to former senior mom's initial advice, I'm confident that she's actually kinda angry about taking that advice...

Why you ask?

Because current senior mom, Tambra... has got one excruciating set of decisions to now make in the next week!  ;)


With all of that "pregame" story out of the way... there WAS an actual session to be photographed... and what a day it was!

We've been blessed by insanely awesomeriffic weather this week... and you package that with a senior guy that looks like he was yanked right out of a Calvin Klein black and white magazine ad (seriously dude... not gonna lie... jealous of the hair) and it was fish-in-a-barrel time for this shooter.  I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I did enjoy chattin' it up with Tambra and Stacy for several hours as well (you've got cool 'rents, Mac).  In between discussing my life story and the meeting of the minds over the Firepit Builders Club, it's a wonder that we got any pictures taken... but we did... and I hope that Mac enjoyed a day away from separating male and female plants in the field... I know I did.  And I know this... if this photography gig doesn't work out... I think I'm just gonna go work at BCLUW Middle School in Union.  ;)

Thanks for seeing past all my policies, Tambra!   You ol' pal Chris would never steer ya wrong.  ;)

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