Thursday, November 21, 2013

Aicher's Army...

I've been seeing more and more of this lately... and I'm not sure why.

Typically the dynamic that I'll see most often for senior sessions is that I'll have a team of two.

The senior.   The mom.

Obviously, there's exceptions, but for the most part, I'd guess eighty percent of the time or more... it's the senior-slash-senior mom duo.

Occasionally, sis comes along... maybe the BFF... sometimes even the main squeeze.  

And then there's sessions like Raelynn Aicher's.

Oh sure... Mama Malynda was there.... gotta have someone to foot the bill and make the final decisions later, right?


But then it didn't stop there.

Malynda asked the day before if it would be alright if they brought in a hairstylist to be The Czar of the Locks for the day.  I of course agreed and the result was the coolest funkiest purple hair stylin' Lynnette McWilliams walked in.   Credit Miss Aicher's good hair day to Lynnette.

Grandma Schiebel also made an appearance.   It rare, but I think it's always awesome to have someone here two generations removed from the process.   If you think mom's are wowed by how much things have changed since they did THEIR senior pictures... grandparents are blown away with the process of excess that this has become!

I can't tell you HOW many times I've heard about entire senior classes being loaded up on a bus... taken to a studio... and having a handful of images taken (a couple over each shoulder to find their "good side") and that was it.

Finally... I'd be remiss if I didn't mention a repeat offender as Raelynn's Aunt Nicole was back for more craziness.   Nicole was here for the epic Maddie Olson (BCLUW - 2012) two years back.   Nic and I talked Hawkeyes and tailgating (or my lack thereof this season)... and we reminisced about Maddie's incomparable model pout... you remember... the one that looked like someone had kicked her dog?   Yeah that one.  Anyway, it was good to have Nicole back to lend a hand.

So, there we were.  The shooter and five crazy ladies.   No one crazier than our guest of honor, though.  I mercifully put her in jeans and a killer jacket to start (as it was a cold, damp and windy morning).   But after that... it took some... well... stones to wear what had decided to bring. 

In the end, THIS is the payoff, because Raelynn looks super cute in that little red dress... and her Daisy Dukes and combat boots... but, I'm not gonna lie.  I was cold... and I can't even imagine how little Miss Aicher felt in those last two outfits!

More power to ya, girlfriend... because your images rock!   No Guts No Glory, right, Raelynn?!?


Finally, we had to tip our collective hats to all of Raelynn's activities with another in a seemingly never ending line of requests for sports collage work.   She had a hard time deciding whether to emphasize cheerleading or volleyball... but eventually settled in on representin' for the Class 1A Fourth Place State Cheer Squad (way to go Comets!)   I've made no bones about my not-so-bashful adoration of all things Black-n-Gold from the greater Conrad area... Fortunately, it's a two-way street as the BCLUW love keeps rolling our way annually (two of Rae's besties are yet to come on our blog in the coming weeks... so stay tuned!!!  Holla, Kendall and Ryleigh!)

My understanding is that Raelynn and a couple of cheer teammates (fist bump to Schultz again) are prepping for an honor squad performance at the Iowa High School State Football Finals at the UNI-Dome as we speak.  Perhaps they can get enough cell reception to allow this blog to break up their day... I know they've been anxiously awaiting these images (along with the rest of Aicher's Army!) so, your wait is over.   And when you get the chance to stop dancin' on the floor of the dome and free yourself from the football... you can come get your preview book... it's ready.

Peace out.

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