Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Swaim Service and Sacrifice...

I'm a few hours late from getting this done on a day when the whole country pauses to thank our servicemen and women for their sacrifice, but I'm going to do it again.

Thank you.

Thank you Nathan Swaim... and all of your brothers and sisters, for allowing me the freedom to be my own boss at a business I own.   To live and worship freely and take images and write all my silly musings everyday is something I shouldn't take for granted, but let's be honest.  We all do.

Thank you Nathan Swaim for finding it within yourself to take up our colors, put on your ACU's, lace on your boots and defend our flag.  

While it would be much easier to turn inward... and focus exclusively on bettering yourself for GMG football... or perhaps investing all your efforts into your 1967 Mustang pride and joy... but you didn't.

You chose to turn outwardly.  You chose to give.  You chose us.

I realize that you probably don't see it this way.   You're just doing your thing.   You, along with hundreds and thousands of brave souls that have made the choice to protect our liberties. Not just you, but all those that have come before you that made a similar choice.   Especially those that have laid down their lives for us.

We can't thank you enough.

For everyone one of you... there's hundreds of us.  Hundreds of folks that were called to do something else.   And while pushing a shutter and posting a blog feels tremendously less noble and brave, I just want to thank you for the opportunity to live my life this way.

So while we talked Wolverine football... how you found your sweet 'Mustang... and what traveling to and from South Carolina is like, there was one thing that REALLY meant something during your session.   It was when we folded Old Glory... and you held her in your hands... looking down with love and respect.   It was more than just an image.   It was a symbol of your choice.

Thank you, Nathan Swaim... for choosing me.  Not just for senior pictures, but more importantly, for protecting what we stand for.

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