Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another history lesson

Ok... I was in denial for awhile, but it's happening almost every other session nowadays as I've gone from a know-nothing 22 year old, not much older than the seniors I was shooting, to a guy that's now photographing seniors that are children of my high school contemporaries.


All it really means is that we've hung around for quite awhile now and Friday morning's most recent edition that made me feel old was Nick.

When Nick's mom wed his stepfather, Bruce, I was there to photograph it. And interestingly to those that know Mr. Nick now, they might find it shocking to know that back THEN... he was a terror on wheels.... The now quiet and unassuming young man used to be the exact opposite as I recall a little fella in a white tux that was a BLUR running from here to there in the Gilman UCC church on October 7, 1995.

So, here was Nick on Friday... probably not doing one of his most favorite things in having his picture taken, and Momma Cindy had kinda warned me that she wanted "dimples." Translation? He'd better be smiling! I was finding it to be tough sledding in that department... until little brother spun into action.

Little did I realize that all I really needed was fourth grade funny man Tristan to crack out the moves behind me to get Nick to bust out the smiles. I think the little fella may have a future in comedy if he so chooses... but on this day, he was just what the doctor ordered. The image below in the blue polo by the fence gives you an idea of what little bro was able to coax out of Nick... and, full disclosure.. the kid had me crackin' up, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG my nephew is sooo handsome!! The pictures look great Brian and thank-you so much for posting this blog, what a great personal touch!
