One was ready to knock his session out of the park... and one was... well... ready to leave.
Let me explain...
I knew from the notes on the schedule... and from a previous connection, that Mr. Stegman was bringing in his drum set.
Always a ton of work to bring in the entire sha-bang and get it all set up just so... I was notified it was gonna make the trip... and I was mentally preparing for how I wanted to approach that aspect of Zach's session.
That isn't where the surprise came in.
Mom and senior fella walked in and Mama Sarah immediate announced, "I'm just gonna help move in his drums and then I'll get out of your hair and get out of here."
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoooooah.
Ok, Mom... we're certainly CAPABLE of flying solo if we have to... no big deal. BUT. Do you have something else cookin'?
"Well... no... not really."
Well... why don't you stay, then?
"I just figured that maybe I wasn't SUPPOSED to?"
Sarah, just like every senior mom, is and was welcome to stay and be a part of the festivities. Evidently her older son (who went elsewhere for pictures) went by himself... and I assured Zach's mother that while we do have senior show up by themselves on occasion, it's rare, and actually we PREFER mom to be there.
Why? Usually funding the deal... usually the decision maker... and finally we like having mom along for the ride so they feel part of the process.. they INVEST in the fun... and the process... and in the end... it's just a cool thing to see your child get their images made.
It didn't take much to convince Sarah to stay... and stay she did... all afternoon.
Team Zach then ran all over the county getting images in our hip pocket, before finally returning to the studio and saving the best for last as our drummer extraordinaire lugged all the stands, toms, cymbals and sticks in from the back of his pickup truck... and we were off to making Mr. Stegman look like the rockstar that he is.
Eventually the session ran so long that Sarah did REALLY have to leave before we got done with the drum images, so I guess there's SOME surprises for her... but in the end... I'm glad she stayed... and deep down... I bet Zach was, too. They both got to see how things are done the Stewart Photography way. I'm not saying it's necessarily the right way... or the only way... but it's the way I've been doing it for almost two decades now... and somewhere along the line we've done something right... because we're still here... and I can count my retakes on one hand.... why? I think it's because Mom is usually here... taking part... and that's how we like it.
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