Sunday, September 2, 2012

My sister.... my BFF...

I mentioned in the previous blog entry to stay tuned... that there would be more to see from our last day of summer session.

While summer ended for most high schoolers a couple weeks back... the traditional symbolic end to summer is Labor Day.   And while we're just one day short of that exact holiday... and in the midst of a LONG weekend filled with fun, family and football... I'm still doing what I always do on Labor Day weekend....

Laboring.  :)

But, if I have to work... I couldn't have two better subjects to work on as I was reunited with the fabulous Luense sisters a couple weeks back.

They've been VERY patient, and I promised them that it would be worth the wait... and now it's time to deliver.

The girls told me that they were up for anything... and I had done a little homework... wanting impress my favorite blonde/brunette sisterly combo with something really cool and different.

What we came up with are a few images that I felt were worthy of their OWN blog on our site.   Quiet and moving... and then some that are truly priceless in their fun and candid appeal.  It was with great excitement that we made these ideas come to life... and they were exactly what I had hoped they would be.

Couldn't be done for two finer young ladies.    It seems like they truly are each other's best friend... Logan was rooting for Leiah the WHOLE day... helping... advising... encouraging... laughing.

It doesn't get much better than this...

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