It happens alot... especially with guys.
Mom's here... sister is here... maybe girlfriend or grandma is here. It the senior boy's session... and yet everyone ELSE that's here... is more excited to be here than the guy themselves.
Such is the case with many a senior dude. There's exceptions of course, but by in large... most guys aren't putting senior session at the top of their list of things they CAN'T WAIT to do.
Perhaps I'm being too harsh on South Tama's Dylan Musgrave... because believe me... we've had for more reluctant guys than this guy... but perhaps HIS senior session and the opener to this blog was more about who wasn't indifferent about the experience than who was.
Stating for the record that senior pictures are BIG DEAL to her, Dylan's mom, Carrie, had made it clear to me and my staff several times prior to last Thursday that she was excited for her son's session. Several calls inquiring about everything from costs to outfits to sites to props to do's to don'ts and everything in between... it was clear. Mama Carrie was stoked... and she wasn't afraid to tell my secretary or I that very fact.
Like I mentioned, it wasn't like Dylan was being held hostage here... he was easy to work with... agreeable... his smile came easy and his demeanor was pleasant. But what was clearly apparent was that mom, and maybe even sister Natasha were even MORE agreeable.
It's hard not to want to bend over backwards for folks like that. When someone isn't afraid to look you in the eye and tell you that they wouldn't rather be anywhere else in the whole world for their child's senior session... how can you NOT?
It was my job then to bring all of Dylan's... (ummm his mother's?) hopes to fruition. Everyone in the family had done their homework about our style and what it was that we were trying to accomplish and they weren't afraid to tell me. Even though Mr. Musgrave wasn't going to be tortured with a zillion outfits, there were several things that they wanted to see for sure... and we had a perfect day for it.
Dylan and I talked STC football and such on our way to our locale. He and his Trojan teammate are putting together a solid season with just one setback thus far... and while football is always fun for THIS photographer to talk about... it wasn't going to be the thrust of the session.
Our senior guy on this day was more Field & Stream than he was Football Field so we found our spot to showcase his bow... his shotgun... his camo and his boots. Carrie, Natasha and I were like kids in a candy store bouncing from place to place making our son/brother/senior try every spot and angle in the perfect morning light. I exhausted the entire Three Bridges State Park area for our guests... making sure they had the full tour of the place.
We returned to the studio to touch on some indoor and even worked in a hunting collage that mom was interested in having, but I'd be lying if I told you that the outdoor wasn't more Dylan's style and speed.
The session came to a close and like most guys... I'm sure Dylan was relieved. I don't know whether it's a LOCK or not, but I did catch wind that perhaps he may be returning in a few days for his girlfriend's session?? Just when he thought he had escape me... there's yet another excited female that forcing him into more pictures!
I could tell that Carrie was nearly jumping out of her skin with excitement to see what we came up with... and while her wait is now over to see the results, I want Team Musgrave to know that all of their kind words and enthusiasm meant the world to me on that day. Logging the kind of hours that I do to run this thing how we like to do it is a sacrifice... and when I see a day like this... your day... and what it means to clients like you, it makes it all worth it.
Your book is ready... you can come get it if you're interested at all. Ahem. :)
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