Blane and I were talkin' Hawks during his Thursday session as we both thru out our predictions for the upcoming big game. Blane went with 24-21... I went with 13-10. Neither of us was exactly right... but we both had the WINNER... which is all that either of us cared about anyway! (btw... the check that Blane's mom cut me was a custom Hawkeye check.... excellent!)
Blane is the fourth senior from the Steve and Jennifer Kitzman family that we've photographed since 2002. All East Marshall Mustangs, Alissa ('03), Katie ('05), Tyler ('06) and now the smiling redhead. ;-)
Blane has been unmistakable to me since his freshman year of football as I looked thru the lens at 50-some football guys in the Mustang team shot that we do annually. I line up the group... everyone's trying to look tough... and then there's Blane. Grinning an ornery grin. And I'm thinking to myself.... knowing his no-nonsense father... someone's gonna get whupped when this picture makes it's way home!
Evidently Blane survived... and has been bustin' out that smartalecky smile ever since.
To Steve and Jennifer... thank you for your loyalty... I'm humbled and thankful.

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