Big friends.
Horses "Supreme" and "Chase" graced our presence bright and early (ever gotten yourself ready for senior pictures AND had two horses groomed and ready to go and TO the studio by 7:47 a.m.? I didn't think so). I'm guessing that her father may have had a little hand in pulling off the horse prep?
So... here Shayna was... bustin out the blue boots... mini skirt... and her brand new smile!
New smile? That's right... she had been very patient. Her session would have been much earlier... but like many others, she was waiting for her braces to come off... and they finally did a week ago. So, what better way to show off her improved grin that at her senior session?
Shayna had been in to see us before as she played the role of little sis when sister Lacy was in as a member of the Class of 2007. Lacy along with her most adorable son, Carson, also got into the act on Thursday... and Mama Kim and Papa Ron were there, too. So... you add that to the horses... and we had ourselves quite the tribe. ;-)
I had been asking seniors all week where their allegiances were with the upcoming Iowa/Iowa State football game. I was joking that our tally would help determine the karma that would ultimately tip the scales in one team's favor. We did six seniors last week... 5 Hawkeyes.... 1 Cyclone. The lone 'Clone? Shayna.
Don't tell me that Stewart Photography doesn't have clout.
35-3, Hawks. ;-)

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