It was her day.
But I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't pumped to see her folks, too.
Her Mom, Chris has been one of our biggest advocates over the years... and it hit an all-time high a year ago as a barrage of BCLUW softball seniors came our direction. Chris's daughters were on the team and Mrs. Rhinehart was perhaps our closest follower of the world's most extensive photography blog. One Comet after another and Chris was there with her finger on the pulse of every move I made with each of the girls.
I thought to myself... "Dang... what is she gonna be like when it's HER daughter's turn?"
That day finally arrived Thursday morning and not only was our biggest fan and her daughter right on time for their 8 a.m. session, but we also had another very special guest.
Mr. Rhinehart.
I've called him many things over the years, but Mister isn't one of them. So consider yourself lucky, Heath. ;-) Seriously, though, Shannon's step-dad and I go way back. We were the best of friends my senior year of high school and every time I see the guy now... it's always like someone hit a rewind button and it's old times all over again. Granted we might have shifted our focus from a couple of kids talkin' Super Tecmo to a couple of greying old farts discussing how today's youth just doesn't "get it," but the humor is still there like it always was.
So, it had been about a decade since the fam had been in. We also photographed Shannon's kid brother, Keegan in 2002... regardless, it had been awhile. I'd like to personally ask for forgiveness from Shannon for all of the YAPPING going on for the entire session between old friends. But as you can see, the images didn't suffer ONE bit! ;-)
Of course, Shannon and her BCLUW teammates just polished off their second straight state championship in Class 2A softball. Special mention has to go out to lil' sis, Sarah who made the all tournament team with a batting average that would make Ted Williams blush.
But what about Shannon?
There's a couple places that you don't wanna be in sports.
Brett Favre's backup quarterback
Cal Ripken's backup at shortstop.
Jamie Fisher's backup at pitcher.
Most around here know that Miss Fisher has permanently etched herself into Iowa prep history as one of the finest hurlers to ever put on a uniform. One doesn't luck their way into Iowa's Gatorade Player of the Year, and two state titles. So... if you're one of her backups... it's pretty safe to say there's a whole lot of patience and pride swallowing goin' on.
Nevertheless, Shannon had all of her teammate's backs and took the opportunity to get 10 appearances in this summer for the back-to-back champs and posted a .70 ERA. It remains to be seen who will get the task of having to try to fill the enormous shoes left by their predecessor, but Coach David Lee could probably do a whole lot worse than Shannon Irene McCoy. (that's why the vanity plates say Irene, gang. She's named after Grandma, incidentally).
So, the waiting is over... after watching and cheering me on and being one of my best ambassadors up Conrad way for years... I finally got to return the favor in a practical manner. Great to see everyone again... and if I know this group well... they've been checking incessantly for this moment. ENJOY! ;-)