- Chris Farley, Tommy Boy
I was approached by a senior dad several weeks ago about something special.
Of course, his daughter is special, but in this case... it was about the LOCATION, rather than just the client.
Phil's daughter Sarah has been attending a prep school in Fairbault, Minnesota for the past three years with the main inspiration being an attempt to become the very best soccer player she can.
I got a first hand look at this campus this weekend and it would be a gross understatement to say that I was like a kid in a candy store. Shattuck-St. Mary's is dripping with history and it's dorms and learning centers can be best described as Harry Potter meets Southern Minnesota. The castle-like and European style architecture was a photographer's dream. Toss in an impressive young lady and BAM. Magic.
Juxtapose the rich history and structures (and let me tell ya... Phil and Sarah had an interesting story or antidote for me around every corner... it was AMAZING).... with state of the art athletic facilities.. you've got yourself one HECK of a high school. Most colleges would be envious. SSM is known for it's "Centers of Excellence" including hockey, soccer, figure skating and the arts.
We were in the theater area for awhile and in the back stage area, for over a century, kids have signed their names on the wall... and right there , now behind plexiglas, was the signature of one Marlon Brando.... that's right, THAT guy.... The Godfather. Not in the same league... but more contemporary, I saw Alyssa Milano's name. I saw the Pittsburgh Penguin's Sidney Crosby's jersey hanging along side several current/former NHL players in the hockey rink. The high school football jersey of Bud Wilkinson (look up THAT guy's coaching accomplishments) was fun to look at... Even sportscaster Brent Musberger was "looking live" at SSM back in the day. The list goes on and on. Can you tell I was impressed?
Needless to say, it was a session unlike any other... and I hope Sarah thinks her images are befitting. Normally, I'm supposed to be more of the "host" and the entertainer... but it would be accurate to say that the roles were reversed on this one. Thanks, Anderson Family.

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