Immortality, really.
All Stewart Photography seniors are intimately aware of a little game of grey card catch that we play during the session.
For those of you that are unaware... a grey card is a little 8x10 cardboard card that we have our seniors hold under their chins outside in each location to allow us to get proper color later on in the computer. Better more accurate color is important... and something that you trust us to know.
Reality is... the card doubles as a Frisbee that some are more adept than others at tossing back to me. We've had just five "perfect games" in studio history over the years... and now... you can add Tom Schaefer to that list.
A flawless 13-for-13 effort, Tom was unflappable as we bounced from spot to spot... with varying wind conditions and, of course, excruciating heat to contend with. Firm... accurate... and a deft touch... I barely had to work at the catching part. I did have to bust out the old wideout all-conference hands a couple times... but for the most part... it was all-Tom... all the time.
Congrats man.
In addition... Tom's mom, Debbie was a BLAST to be around for the session... for a couple of reasons
Number one: Debbie was more than giddy about the fact that we had another dose of perfection yesterday.
Perfect eyebrows.
I've been in this photography game for over 17 years now and never once have i had a mom readily admit that she took her son to do this... That's right.... eyebrow waxing.
Top Nails in Marshalltown took care of our man with a plan a couple days back... and I must say... there was NO uni-brow to be found. Tom was lookin' sharp and well groomed and his mom had her giggle on just thinking about it. LOVED IT!
Number two: Mama Debbie was all over the 20 questions for her hired photographer. I'm normally the one trying to spark the conversation... but in this case... I was diggin' the grillin' that I was getting for our inquiring mind in the camera room.
My favorite question.... "what are ALL those bottles of rubber cement doing up on the refrigerator?!?!"
Debbie got a schoolin' on how we light things on fire in the studio... but I did appreciate all the interest in our craft the entire day. Tom? Probably not so much... It probably only served to drag out his torture.
Oh by the way... despite all the perfections and questions... we did manage to get some kickin' images... enjoy!

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