Wednesday, November 30, 2011

OUI! YES! YEP-ez!!!

Just don't call her "Die-anna"....

It's Dee-anna.

Sure it's spelled Diana... as in Lady Diana... but I found out right away it's pronounced quite differently. :)

So once I got the name down.. we were off and running... and this Hispanic sensation didn't disappoint.

I had a few assignments on the agenda... Even though we were on the cusp of winter... there was no snow to be found as of yet (THANK GOODNESS!) However... with an adorable stocking hat that she had... I had to generate some snow digitally to cap off the effect... pun intended.

In addition, Miss Yepez has herself an obsession with France, The Eiffel Tower and all things Paris. I was told she's never been there... but plans on taking her trilingual self there someday. I think she may have been just a TAD jealous when I told her that several area students (including a Stewart Photography employee) made a trip across Europe this summer that included a trek up the Eiffel Tower. :)

The last bit of my marching orders included something deeply personal to Diana... She wasn't shy about telling me right out of the gate that she was a Christian and wanted to portray that somehow... someway.

In the interim between her session and her blog, I had forgotten that she had told me the SPECIFIC bible verse that she wanted included in any artwork that I could come up with. As a result, I had EVERYTHING ready to go this afternoon.... book printed... images archived, blog pics posted and ready to author when I realized that the Psalm I had come up with (and subsequently posted at were simply not gonna do.

I then recalled the photoshop file... reworked the text to include her favorite verse... (which seems to be a senior fav over the past couple years) and FINALLY... we were ready to roll with the blog... (after reworking and reposting all previously posted images).

Did I forget to mention that my senior subject really wanted to be up in a tree? Luckily for us.. it was a perfectly overcast November day and we had our run of the town, which is always welcome after the foliage goes by the wayside.

In a summer/fall that has seen record wait-times for our clients... I hope that this is that last record setting duration from session to blog. It would have been real easy about 40 seniors ago to change our approach when it became apparent that things were going to really start backing up around here... but we never did.. and now that we are nearing the point of finally catching up for the first time since June... I hope everyone has felt it was worth the wait.... Including Senorita Yepez. :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Harlee: One in a million...

I was wondering what was taking so long...

She was one that we thought was in the win column for our studio. She had been in last year for her best friend's session and made it clear she'd be back the next year.

Next year was here... and month after month passed... and there was no Harlee to be found.

And then, finally, the call came from Mama Nancy.

Turns out that she was hoping things were going to get better, and when they didn't, they could wait no longer.

For those of you who don't know, Miss Harlee has a rare form of muscular dystrophy. Forced to a wheelchair most of the time, sweet little Harlee's muscles and joints are robbed of their strength by something called Ullrich Congenital Muscular Dystrophy or UCMD.

The disease hasn't taken her smile, her ornery sense of humor or her fighting spirit, however. I've seen it for several years now at Homecoming and Prom at East Marshall. She is such a sweetheart... one can't help but want to try to give her a hand or assist her in some way... but she's a fighter... independent... and doesn't want the help, much less any of your pity.

So, at the dances, she'll usually roll in... get as close as she can to the spot on the backdrop... and then find the strength to balance on her legs for just long enough to be there with her buddies. And while I know she's struggling and most likely in a lot of pain trying to maintain something that most of us take for granted... there it is anyway.... that perfect smile.

Evidently what strength she did have has been waning and she was really hoping to be able to get around better for her senior session. That's where the delay came in. I had begun to think she had went another direction. Truth is, she was holding out hope.

When pushed to the limit with winter being at our doorstep, Harlee could wait no longer for her senior session and we, with the assistance of Nancy and Papa Mark, we did what she's been doing her whole life... making the best of it.

I trust that Miss Drury slept well that night as I pushed her to her limits several times. Her limitations physically weren't gonna stop us from showing her spirit... and I was honored that she trusted me to do that for her.

I learned that she's perhaps the world's most insane power-shopper (without having to weigh down her arms with bags that she can hang on the back of her chair, she's even MORE lethal than the average girl!). I also found out that she's a HUGE Iowa Barnstormers fan. A regular fixture at Wells Fargo for home games, she and all the Drury family were teaching ME about something I normally have a leg up on in a conversation. She knows the Arena Football players by name and much of their history.

At this time of year, we all pause and think of things that we are (or should be) thankful for. And when I was studying up on UCMD for this little story about Harlee I learned that her condition strikes just one in one million persons globally. She may not have the luxury that most of us do with our bodies, but I know this... I'm glad this one-in-a-million young lady is a part of our community... and we can all learn from you, Miss Harlee.

Thanks for your trust in me... and keep on fighting... you're an inspiration to all of us.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gettin' on the Cole train...

Before we could get on Cole's train... we had to dodge the bullet.

Originally, Cole's mom, Joanna, had set up her son's senior appointment for a 1 p.m. slot.

No big deal, right?

Upon further inspection, Joanna told me that Cole would REALLY like to be photographed with a John Deere tractor or combine... So, after hearing that, I did some arm twisting and convinced her of the importance of getting that done at the 8 a.m. session instead... as to avoid the high mid-day sky.

With special thanks to Southards in Tama, we made a dash over there first thing out of the gate that morning of his session... and it wasn't the SUN that was the issue.... but the clouds... or what was in them.

The forecast was for an all day rain... and a quick look at the radar told me that they were right... but there was a LITTLE window of opportunity... so we took it.

The end result was that we got all the shots done with the green machines... and we felt good about that.

Before we made our way back to the down town Tama area for some urban looks, we did stop off at an empty cornfield that had just a few hay bales lined up. Being the country boy that he is... it was worth the trespass, right?

So we hopped out.. and it was starting to sprinkle... yet.. we were undeterred. As we were banging out just a few images... here he came...

The owner.

As if there were some sort of invisible laser tripped alarm on the pathway to the field... down the long hill came Mr. Field Owner on his tractor.

"Whatcha doin?"

"oh... just some senior pictures."

"ahhhhh... ok... just wondered."

Gotta love Iowa. :)

So we got our shot with the circular bales and we were off to downtown. We didn't take a LOT of time there with our country boy... but this time of year... bricks and alleys are something you can count on!

About the time we arrived back in Montour, the skies opened up and it was a complete washout the rest of the day... but, no matter to us at that point... Let it rain!

We did our barrage of indoor stuff... but Cole was mainly interested in a couple of shots.

Sports... and more sports.

More specifically... he's an East Marshall baseball player and wrestler... and a Hawkeye Football fan.

Both of which work for me. ;)

So we paid homage to his two sports and his Hawks... and the proverbial bullet was dodged. And this time of year, with the threat of worse things to come... that's a very good thing.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tis the season to run like a Mustang... and fly like an Eagle...

Josh had a three pronged approach to his senior session.

First and foremost... East Marshall athletics. Secondly... fandom of the Philadelphia Eagles. And third? A trip to the family Christmas tree farm.

So my mission was set. We went a little out of sequence in order of importance as Mr. Gummert threw on the Michael Vick #7 out of the gate.

In a season that's been rough sailing ever since the team's backup quarterback coined them the "Dream Team" prior to the season... only to see them stumble to a 3-6 start. No matter.... Josh wore the colors... and wore them proud. At the time of his session... it seemed that perhaps this team of dreams was getting things turned around... but in the interim... they dropped a couple more.

Until last night.

I found it kind of ironic that while I was working on Josh's Eagles blend images last night... there they were... on TV... playing against division rival... with #7 out of commission with broken ribs... backs against the wall... and the world counting them out. The guy that authored the Dream Team curse was under center, no less. What happened? Well... I think I could hear the screams and see the fist pumps from across town as the boys from Philly got it done 17-10... So, they're 4-6 now... and without a doubt... they'll need several more in a row to even get back in contention... but for one night... they showed the promise that made them a playoff favorite before the season began.

Second up was the Mustang gear. And I have to tip my hat to Josh here. When your team is bangin' out win after win and has tradition, prestige and glory on its side, getting up for the next game is easy. No doubt the teams that are sitting on that side of the fence have put in their time... and have earned that stature.

But what if you're on the other side of the fence?

Josh plays football, basketball and track... and after enduring the school's worst seasons in school history over the past 12 months, there he was... wearing the purple and gold as if HIS team was 9-0 in football and 21-1 in hoops, instead of the other way around. Just like he was all last winter... and all fall... putting that uniform on again an again, and going out there and giving his best shot... when maybe getting an "injury" or just flat out quitting may be more fashionable.

Sometimes we don't like school... or eventually our jobs... and what do you do? You get up and go anyway. A smart man told me one time that the definition of a man is getting up doing what you're supposed to, even when it might not be fun.

Lots can be learned from winning... but I might argue that the same can be said about about picking yourself up after another loss... Life isn't always perfect... and if character can be built from any of the losing... Josh and many of his friends have gotten their fair share of difficult lessons.

The third prong of our session was saved until the end as we paid a visit to Three Bridges Christmas Tree Farm. Grandpa Larry was out there tinkering around during the calm before the storm. That storm, I believe... starts in just a few days as Thanksgiving usually marks about the time that the family business is... well.... open for business.

Found at 2249 Yates Avenue, north and west of LeGrand, we took advantage of the trees, and what was left of the fall foliage. I also got a bit of tree-business education from Larry, which I found very interesting.

I wish I could tell you that the big delay between session and blog post was my master plan to time things with a big
Eagle victory... the cusp of the Christmas tree season, and the beginning of another Mustang basketball campaign, but that wouldn't be honest... I'm just that far behind... but that being said... it worked out pretty good, did it not? :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Ricky kept me Hopper-ing...

Does it get any more Iowa Boy than a boy named Ricky, a pickup he's proud of, and his black lab named Dozer?

I don't think so.

Throw in a couple plaid shirts, his dirt bike and a tour around the family farm, and make no mistake... it was 100% Hawkeye State material.

Jodi and her son, Ricky Hopper, showed up and asked me if I could take them out to their farm north and east of Toledo, and we were instantly off. Nearing the end of the line of our busy senior season is a difficult proposition trying to find different places after nearly 100 seniors, but a trip to their home where it's all-Ricky originals, all the time?

Bingo. Instant uniqueness.

While there, I got to meet Papa Rick and much to his dismay, he found out quickly that I was trying to find the oldest and most run-down places on the farm that were possible. (that's how I roll). New buildings are nice... but the CHARACTER is found in the old nooks and crannies. :)

Ricky told me that he was looking forward to the upcoming basketball season, and due to my insane delay... we're now into practice and at the doorstep of actual games. I hope that's going well for him so far.

As technology would dictate, we had a call a couple of hours ago from understandably anxious, Mama Jodi... wondering if the pictures were ready (since she had seen some floating out on our core website at My secretary, Jennifer, assured her that we were close... but not quite ready.

I'm happy to report... we're now ready, Mrs. Hopper.

Hope to see you soon!