Just don't call her "Die-anna"....
It's Dee-anna.
Sure it's spelled Diana... as in Lady Diana... but I found out right away it's pronounced quite differently. :)
So once I got the name down.. we were off and running... and this Hispanic sensation didn't disappoint.
I had a few assignments on the agenda... Even though we were on the cusp of winter... there was no snow to be found as of yet (THANK GOODNESS!) However... with an adorable stocking hat that she had... I had to generate some snow digitally to cap off the effect... pun intended.
In addition, Miss Yepez has herself an obsession with France, The Eiffel Tower and all things Paris. I was told she's never been there... but plans on taking her trilingual self there someday. I think she may have been just a TAD jealous when I told her that several area students (including a Stewart Photography employee) made a trip across Europe this summer that included a trek up the Eiffel Tower. :)
The last bit of my marching orders included something deeply personal to Diana... She wasn't shy about telling me right out of the gate that she was a Christian and wanted to portray that somehow... someway.
In the interim between her session and her blog, I had forgotten that she had told me the SPECIFIC bible verse that she wanted included in any artwork that I could come up with. As a result, I had EVERYTHING ready to go this afternoon.... book printed... images archived, blog pics posted and ready to author when I realized that the Psalm I had come up with (and subsequently posted at stewartphotography.net) were simply not gonna do.
I then recalled the photoshop file... reworked the text to include her favorite verse... (which seems to be a senior fav over the past couple years) and FINALLY... we were ready to roll with the blog... (after reworking and reposting all previously posted images).
Did I forget to mention that my senior subject really wanted to be up in a tree? Luckily for us.. it was a perfectly overcast November day and we had our run of the town, which is always welcome after the foliage goes by the wayside.
In a summer/fall that has seen record wait-times for our clients... I hope that this is that last record setting duration from session to blog. It would have been real easy about 40 seniors ago to change our approach when it became apparent that things were going to really start backing up around here... but we never did.. and now that we are nearing the point of finally catching up for the first time since June... I hope everyone has felt it was worth the wait.... Including Senorita Yepez. :)

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