I don't think so.
Throw in a couple plaid shirts, his dirt bike and a tour around the family farm, and make no mistake... it was 100% Hawkeye State material.
Jodi and her son, Ricky Hopper, showed up and asked me if I could take them out to their farm north and east of Toledo, and we were instantly off. Nearing the end of the line of our busy senior season is a difficult proposition trying to find different places after nearly 100 seniors, but a trip to their home where it's all-Ricky originals, all the time?
Bingo. Instant uniqueness.
While there, I got to meet Papa Rick and much to his dismay, he found out quickly that I was trying to find the oldest and most run-down places on the farm that were possible. (that's how I roll). New buildings are nice... but the CHARACTER is found in the old nooks and crannies. :)
Ricky told me that he was looking forward to the upcoming basketball season, and due to my insane delay... we're now into practice and at the doorstep of actual games. I hope that's going well for him so far.
As technology would dictate, we had a call a couple of hours ago from understandably anxious, Mama Jodi... wondering if the pictures were ready (since she had seen some floating out on our core website at www.stewartphotography.net) My secretary, Jennifer, assured her that we were close... but not quite ready.
I'm happy to report... we're now ready, Mrs. Hopper.
Hope to see you soon!

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