Let me explain...
It's been my playful contention that coming our way for senior pictures should give our subjects a leg up on their competition going forward... karma if you will... a supernatural blessing. It doesn't always work of course... but I like to take credit where credit isn't due.
So when Chris' buddy Brandon was in for HIS pictures earlier this football season... I gave the GMG quarterback our karmablessing and he promptly went out and got a concussion that next game!
Trying then to get back on track with the guy that Brandon handed the ball to all fall, Chris was in with just two games remaining on the Wolverine schedule.
So when I picked up the morning paper that next Saturday and saw "season ending injury" sustained by Mr. Read...
I immediately checked in with Chris on facebook to see the prognosis... and an MRI was scheduled for that Monday... and I've yet to hear back on how things turned out... It's my hope that things are headed in a more positive direction so GMG will have their point guard ready to roll when basketball practice starts next week.
In the meantime, we have a session to talk about. I had photographed Steve and Jana's older son Landon as a member of the Class of 2010. Both polite guys that were easy to talk to... Chris was less into his vehicle as his older counterpart... and more into sports. I'm probably gonna really embarrass Chris here... but while he was changing outfits... Jana told me she wasn't ready for Chris to leave the home yet because she's been really fortunate because he's just been the easiest kid to raise.
Wow. Dude either just got the compliment of a lifetime or he really has mom snowed! :)
I think it was the former, rather than the latter, however... because I got the impression that this guy was as easy goin' as they come.
My favorite image from the entire session came on the last outdoor shot of the day. It was windy AGAIN... (imagine that)... and we were by a brick wall and the wind kept coming up and finding its way into Chris' shirt making him look sort of Michelin Man-esque... The guy probably has a 28 inch waist... and the wind was making him look.... well... more like his pouchy photographer instead!
So after fighting the battle of the bulge for a couple shots... we just gave in and did one for fun... Check out the very last image... always the good sport.... Chris played along. Hilarious! ;)

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