Sheryl probably wondered if she'd ever get her girl.
Child number one. Boy. Trent.
Child number two. Boy. Bryce.
Child number three. Boy. Tyler.
Roll the dice one more time?
Sure.... and what did we get? Sharese!
Alan and Sheryl Mullikin did get that elusive daughter... and speaking as a totally biased observer, I'm glad they weren't satisfied with their own version of My Three Sons.
I was gonna author this blog last night, right before bed... and I must admit... I was struggling. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing just where to start on these things because I'm grasping for an angle. Any angle.
I thought I'd sleep on it and some clarity may come... but it didn't.
I think it's because there are just too MANY angles!
One simply cannot be a part of this community without being touched in some way by this family. Church on Sunday? There they are leading the way. The musical tonight? There's the lead performer... and behind the of the directors. Basketball games in a few weeks? There's the P.A. Man getting us ready for some "basssssssketball"... as well as yet another senior hoopster. Marching band all fall? Drum Major. All-State Music Festival? She'll be there among the state's elite. Toss in a member of the Homecoming court, band, chorus, volleyball... Stewart Family Babysitter back in the day... she, and her fam have quite literally done it all... and we're all better for it in this community.
Fortunately for me... I've been blessed with their loyalty.
2007, 2008, 2010 and now a member of the East Marshall Class of 2012... All four of the kids have came our way... and it came as no shock to me that it was another amazing session.
In previous Mullikin sessions... music was clearly a point of emphasis... and I had seen a full drumset... a trombone and a guitar.
And while Sharese is a member of the EM bands... there can be no doubt what her best "instrument" is.
That voice.
I heard her sing for the first time her freshman year at a musical... and I thought to myself... "well... we don't have to worry about the female lead for the musical for the next three years!" But don't just take my word for it.... (SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT) just show up to the East Marshall production of The Sound of Music tonight or tomorrow night... or both... and you'll know. Girl's got pipes.
So it was my job to show off that instrument, and I think we did that. Full disclosure... I guess I tend to think of listening to her sweet voice and how it can bring tears to your eyes... and perhaps that wasn't fair to think more ballad than bangin-it-out... But with prodding from Mama Sheryl to not underestimate her girl "cause she just might surprise ya."... we got my favorite image from her session at the top of the blog here. Lesson learned. She's sweet and sensitive... but she also ROCKS! :)
Like her brothers before her... they all four got a healthy dose of listening to their photographer and their mother talking about lots of East Marshall issues... both deep and superficial. Perhaps it's educational and therapeutic for us both... but, not surprisingly... they all were patient with their chatty adult "intruders" to their senior sessions.
I know I'm gushing too much and probably embarrassing all parties involved here... but that's ok. When you've gotta gem in your midst... you don't hide it... you hold it up and let it shine for everyone to see... and that's what we have here. I almost can't imagine not having one of the Mullikin kids running around next fall... it's gonna be weird, for sure... but I do know this... even though Ma and Pa are gonna have an empty next in that house there across from the school for the first time... we are all better people for knowing your kids, and enjoying their talents and personalities.
Thanks for sharing, gang... Ya done good.

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