She brought in the guitar and canvases that she has painted... even a fringey vest and some moccasins and it wasn't hard to see that this free spirit was a throw back to the 1960s.
A free spirit to be sure, Miss Loney was all about being unique and I was up for the challenge.
So she was telling me about her life... and was readily admitting her hippiness... I was simply having a blast, because with kids like this... there are no rules... and she was up for anything... If we thought it up... we went there. How awesome is that?
Not surprisingly, this anti-establishment gal is graduating mid-term here in a few weeks from Marshalltown, and is more than ready to skip town and head to Colorado. From the sounds of it, I guess Alyxia is gonna just chill for some time before starting in with college. Did I already say, "how awesome is that?" Yes. Yes I did. But that's exactly what she's gonna do... along with her good friend Evan.
Ah... to be young again. :)
However... JUST when I thought I had this one pegged, I asked her where she worked.
Turns out she can tell ya all about everything from Mario to Modern Warfare 3. Perhaps the franchise owner at the Marshalltown Gamestop is on to something. Rather than hire the snot nosed gamer geek with a bad pubescent mustache, why not hire a cute gal to keep all the COD questions answered?
Brilliant really. :)
Actually... I'm guessing that it was GameStop's fortune that our senior gal just happened to have ONE MORE trait in her bag of tricks that made her uniquely Alyxia. But the strategy is a good one if you ask me because that store has GOT to be dominated by young fellas for the most part.
Regardless, I got a kick out of giving her a hard time about it... I would have never guessed it after all that I had learned about her for a couple of hours before the gamer side came to the surface.
Thanks for the breath of fresh air, Alyxia... Our loss will be Colorado's gain. :)

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