Sunday, November 1, 2015

Gettin' her giggle on...

One of the earliest seniors to book this year was East Marshall senior Kelsey Deschamp.

You have your early bookers...

It usually means the type that's SO excited that they're coming out of their shoes with anticipation.

Booking early usually means they're rip-roarin' ready to go... and a June or July session is on the menu.

But then again... there's usually one or two annually that fall into THIS category.

It's the hurry-up-and-wait type.

Tammy DeSchamp called back in April to get her girl a spot.

The thing is... she asked for October.

Certainly nothing wrong with that.   You'd rather get your spot and let others sweat it out, than to be one on the other side of the fence, but it still makes me smile to see clients booking six months in advance to the spot they want.


So HALF A YEAR passed before Miss Kelsey finally got her number called at Stewart Photography... and when her day in the sun arrived, it was time to make it worth the wait.

Kels brought Stewart Photography alum, Brittney Selvog (EM, '15) with her for hair/makeup/moral support and right out of the gate... I knew I was in trouble.

We stepped into the camera room... I didn't say or do a thing... just grabbed the camera... set the background and lights... and then it began...

The giggling.

I'm not even sure that Britt had even said anything... but it didn't seem to matter.

Kelsey was gettin' tickled and finding it hard to maintain her composure.

Those of you that know these two, it probably doesn't surprise you.   But there I was.  Outnumbered and unable to stem the tide.

The game of giggle-and-go continued for the next several hours as we captured image after image that she had waited six months for.   In between the giggles... Kels had worked herself into a serious set of hiccups and coughing to the point that I jokingly told her she was really gonna have to lay off the cigarettes!

In between all the laughs, hiccups and tickles in the throat, we got some sweet images.  And it's my hope they were worth waiting a half a year for!

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