Sunday, November 22, 2015

Maximum Max...

There are certain kids that words just won't do justice.

And to those that know Max Upah... you know what I'm talkin' about.

We have a group of young parents... (well... I guess when we started meeting we were young... now I guess we're kinda old... ok... not kinda... we're just old) that have made up our bible study at the Ferguson Bible Church for a couple decades now.   And the funny thing is that several of us have three children.   And we've joked for years about how the THIRD kid is seemingly the ornery one.

Anybody else agree with this?

Not sure WHY this is... but I have a theory.

While it's not scientifically proven, I think that once the child realizes that the parents are outnumbered... it's THEN that they realize that more stuff can slip through the cracks.

Translation:  The third one figures out they can get away with more shenanigans.

Or maybe it's just the fact that by the time you've gotten to child number three... you realize all the ideals you had with child number one have become totally unrealistic to execute and so one tends to let more slide?

Regardless... there's something completely unique and deliciously sarcastic about Trent and Michelle Upah's third offering to the world.  

I photographed their first born as a member of East Marshall's class of 2010... you remember.... Sam... the standout Mustang wrestler who went on to more success at Wartburg.    Two years ago we saw the cat and Batman lovin'...1950's ice cream parlor throwback sportin' Emilee... and last... and certainly not least... it was Max's turn.

There was part of me for the last couple of years that wondered if there was any way I could possibly live up to the expectations that the larger than life character that is Max Upah, would have... but have no fear... between he and his Mama Michelle... they had plenty of assignments for me... and it was just my job to execute them.

Dude was all about the duck hunt... bringin' in the harvest... the wrestling and football.... the V-Star 650 Classic bike... and if we could mix in some Ray-Ban's and a little fall color... they'd be tickled purple.

Football season wasn't quite over yet at the time of his session... so the 11:30 a.m. deadline to return to school didn't allow us to get the session completed on the original date... so as if one day of Mr. Max wasn't enough... we had to bring him back for even MORE one line zingers that he's infamous for. 

Fortunately for Michelle and I, we were only subjected to Max and his father TOGETHER on the first session.   Ok... nevermind... it was my break, only.  She LIVES with them and puts up with the back-n-forth sarcasm daily.   I left Papa Trent's brainchild until the end of this blog, if you wanna see how these two minds work.   Check it out... Max mounted on top of the New Holland combine... crazy grin on his face... praising the corn gods with an ear in each hand.

Could there being anything more Max than that?

I think not.

Needless to say, when young Mr. Upah takes off for NIACC next year to work on his power lineman degree, they'll be a little less color walking the halls of East Marshall... and on Sundays at Ferguson Bible Church.   But until then... I'll just keep shaking my head and enjoying the laughs.

Thanks for visiting again, Team Upah.   Your kids couldn't have been more different...  and that's just God's way of keeping us on our toes, isn't it?

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