Friday, November 20, 2015

The waitin'... is the hardest part.

Tom Petty sang it., and it might be cliche'... but it's true.

Waiting is hard.

And it's especially hard when some of the said waiting is self-induced.

Let me explain.

Faithful followers of this blog are fully aware that we're at our typical end of the busy season back log that has created a several week lag on senior turnaround time.   It's a result of a whole lotta you... and only one me.

Being stubborn as I am, I refuse to change things to somehow lessen a senior's experience who chooses the fall versus, say, a senior that comes in early in June and gets his or her images super quick.

So when Michelle Charley called what amounts to half a year ago now to set up her daughter Olivia's senior session and had a request to do a split session so they could have summer and fall images, I told her as long as they were good with waiting... then I was good with it, too.

As we now sit here on the brink of the season's first snow storm, it seems like summer is a scant memory now.   But that's when I first met Olivia.

It was Wednesday, August 19th.   Her senior year of school at Gladbrook-Reinbeck hadn't even started yet... they days were still sunny and warm... and her beloved Rebels hadn't even began to play any football games that would eventually culminate into a state championship season.  (Way to go, G-R!)

But a funny thing happened along the way to our two session quest.   

Two became three.

Sessions that is.

August 19th ended up being a WINDY summer day.   (someone stop me if I'm wrong here... but has this year not been the most windy year one can ever remember here in Iowa?)    It was so blustery, that Mama Michelle and I agreed it would be best to not try to fight the conditions with Liv's long locks... so we did some indoor... and lived to fight another day.

Another day was Friday, September 11th.  This time the conditions cooperated.   Olivia killed it in her boots, her heels and her torn up jeans and as a bonus... I got to meet Snooki.

Not THE Snooki... but rather... Olivia's adorable pup, Snooki.   In retrospect, after three sessions with the young lady, I can say that her biggest smiles came when snuggling with her Snooks..

So, it took us two days to get the first "round" in the books... yet we still had to WAIT for the fall day.

A couple of scheduling conflicts with college classes juggled the date a couple times, but FINALLY, on Friday, October 16th, Olivia was ready for her finale'.

And while this Fall season hasn't been one for the ages as far as color is concerned... you take a pretty gal who's having a great hair day... and some more clothes that The Buckle should use in their advertising campaign, and you get the picture... my job wasn't a difficult one.

With three days of shooting in the can... we finally had completed the Olivia Charley Saga... except there was one more thing to do:   Wait.

I winced when I told the girls a month ago that looking at the stack of work ahead of me, that it would probably be another month before I could complete her previews... and lo and behold... I was right.

Like all the others over the years, I vowed to make sure that even though the wait would be long... that I would do my best to make sure of one thing...

That it was worth it.

I hope they feel like it was.

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