The wait is finally over...
Team Karly SAID they would be patient. It would all be worth it. Take your time... We understand.
If you would've been here 11 days ago and experienced the carnival that is Jeanne Long, Kelley Roseland and their two daughters, Karly and Sami... you would KNOW this.
They've been DYING a slow death for a week and a half. :)
Wait no more ladies! Now you and the entire world can see how much fun we had that morning as Karly Long FINALLY got her senior pictures taken.
Originally scheduled on what was a completely dead week right after the July 4th holiday, the Long's weren't ready as East Marshall softball kept the gang of ladies from doing their prerequisite shopping.
No big deal... just reschedule, right? Right.
Plopped smack dab into the busiest time of the year this go around... the "punishment" has been waiting on Yours Truly to climb out of a PILE of JPEGs.
I knew I was in for a CRAZY morning from the moment the four ladies walked in the door that Thursday morning. For those that know this quartet... you are aware that I, for once, wasn't the entertainment for the day. For those of you who are in the dark on this.... think VOLUME... think LAUGHTER... think DANCING LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING.
If I wanted to let my sleep deprived body get the best of me on this day... there would be nothing of the sort as they simply would not allow it with the non-stop jokes, giggling and razzing.
Let me just say this... whatever these girls are taking... I'll take a full prescription. :)
Up until this point, I had two assumptions about Karly.
1) A quiet girl.
2) Kind of a Tom-boy.
Usually a girl of few words and a pony tail and athletic gear is the picture I recall in my mind's eye.
I can now throw THAT out the window.
Get her with her family and put her on a day when she's supposed to look her very best and...
I looked through the lens and could only retort... "KARLY LONG! When did you go and get HOT on me??!?!"
Karly smiled shyly like she does... and looked down at the floor... but it was the truth... and judging from the excitement that all the WHOOP WHOOPs and YEAH-AHHs that were ringing out everytime I let them peek at the back of the camera, they knew it, too.
One can get away with such a statement when you go all the way back to high school with the two moms that were present... I was being honest... these gals couldn't be BS'ed anyway. It was time to shine, and Karly flat out killed it all morning long.
Oh we had to get her in her trademark ponytail for a trip to the EM softball diamond and gymnasium, and I thoroughly enjoyed Karl's complaining about her mom's "ability" to set up a volleyball spike opportunity . (we're old, Jeanne... I guess that's what we get for letting a couple decades pass) ;)
I told the ladies this morning that I'm considering hiring them to serve as session "cheerleaders" of sorts on a full-time basis. I know I couldn't afford them, but I do know this...
The Fun Factor couldn't help but go off the charts on a daily basis.
Thanks for the crazy session gang... you're the best.