Ok seriously, how adorable is that first image?
Sometimes I wonder how I get paid for this. ;)
Karlie and I go back a few years... we've photographed her as part of our duties at Main Street Dance Academy for the last several years and I even did a family portrait of her extended clan at the family business at Grandview Heights Nursing Home in Marshalltown once.
There was a cute-as-a-button sophomore girl in that family group that December morning back in 2008. And while I thought to myself that it would be a good "get" to eventually land Karlie for senior pictures in a couple years... I wasn't planning on it.
I told Karl and Mama Tammy last Wednesday afternoon that I figured that I'd never get to do senior pictures of the girl with the perfect smile. (incidently... Karlie makes me sick with those teeth... figured that her orthodontist did one heck of a job... but i found out last week... NO ortho for that grin! WHAT THE HECK?!? not even fair, Miss Koonce!) Anyway, the REASON I figured I wasn't gonna get to take Karlie's senior images was that older sis had them done elsewhere. It stood to reason then, that I'd strike out with daughter No. 2 as well... so you can imagine my excitement when Karl contacted me on facebook this spring!
Karlie certainly didn't disappoint on her session. She's every bit as fun and vibrant as her images show here... and if THAT weren't enough... she also won me over with her choice of football teams!
Certainly influenced heavily by Papa Craig, young Karlie wanted to do something for her dad who loves all things black-n-yellow...
Just like her photographer... :)
A student at BCLUW, which shares colors with the Iowa Hawkeyes and Pittsburgh Steelers, there is little doubt what colors are donned at Kasa de Koonce Friday through Sunday on fall weekends! So when Karlie showed up with her little yellow dress... the wheels were set in motion. Quite clearly everyone needs a B.A. football image in a dress with complete with kickin' shades and all your favorite team's logos in the background! :)
Are you sure you couldn't take a "rain check" and wait for one of my boys to get old enough to date, Karl? Too good to be true! :) LOL.
So Karlie, Tammy and I had a ball running around the hillsides getting images that would make Julie Andrews and The Sound of Music proud... and we were requested to get a trademark middle of the road image done despite the temperature of the pavement west of Montour reaching surface of the sun levels... (not gonna lie... had to put a towel down before I got my low angle shot... dang!)
I was told in the middle of the session, however, that we were missing someone from the original plan. BFF, Lizzie was SUPPOSED to come to the session to jump into a few images for fun... but evidently had to work. Much to my chagrin, I was informed that despite her best friend being amazing and fun and beautiful... she was going elsewhere for HER senior session in the fall.
Again... not gonna lie... at THAT time, I was relieved that Lizzie wasn't there, then. One can't help but feel a little bit of competitive disappointment, and perhaps a sense of being judged by someone else's client being there watching every move you make... examining things...
All that being said, in a day full of epic winning... it didn't end there, however... as just 24 hours later... someone's BFF had a change of heart and was now on OUR books.
SWEET! Charlie Sheen ain't got NOTHING on me.
Just another bonus that was the result of another insane session in a week chocked full of 'em...
But Karlie wasn't done.
We saved the BEST for last.
I was told the night before her session via facebook that Miss Koonce is an avid artist... so she wanted to do something with paint. We had had a similar request a year ago, and unlike others who make a habit of complimenting our studio with the old axiom, "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,"... i didn't want to just crank out the same thing as a year ago.
Karl had the idea of painting her name on the background, which we did... but I had other ideas. :)
Madre Tammy was forced into action to complete my master plan... and getting back to the first image you see here on the blog... SOMEONE had to put the handprints on Karlie... and who better than the woman who changed her dumpy drawers back in the day?
So with two palms full of purple and green paint, the stage was set... and one pair of white short shorts were about to be ruined.
I was giggling to myself as Tammy got down on her knees and readied herself for the "application"... and never being one to miss out on an opportunity... I got the candid that you see at the very end here.
Tammy turned around... "you didn't just take a picture of that, did you?"
Oh yes I did, Tammy. Yes I did. :)

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