And I haven't even mentioned Fun, Friends, Football Field or Fire Escape.
Alliterations aside, last Tuesday was another in a long line of epic sessions we've had this summer as Marshalltown's Fine Freckled Female, Hannah Thomae, was killin' it all day long.
I had photographed older sisters Jess and just last year, Hillary... so it was time for baby sis to take her turn.
Let's put it this way... she left no stone unturned.
The day started at Leonard Cole Field on the campus of MHS and the goal had already been discussed...
Hannah is the Bobcat Marching Band's Majorette. So our baton twirling gal needed some trademark images where she does her thing on Friday nights.
With the team that included mom, sis and sis's boyfriend, we did that sequined outfit and baton justice. Special thanks to "fire starter" Luke Rebik who was my right hand man for the duration of the day.
It was up to the urban areas of M-Town where perhaps my favorite image was found on a fire escape. Check it out! Ow Oww! :)
We had to take a bit of a break for lunch at Casa de Thomae and my old friends that live there treated us all to one of my favs... a footlong (and then some) from SubCity. Ok... Rebik and I split a whole #25 on white... ;)
Replenished... it was off to a friend's house for some more images. Special thanks to the Mohon's as we knocked off some sweet pics in their back yard. Check out the feline going for a piggyback ride!
We did actually make our way back to the studio at some point... where it was time for creation of images honoring her obsession with all things Wizard of Oz... and we busted out a seemingly endless amount of county and state fair ribbons and we wrapped it up with a couple of special effects back in the majorette outfit.
Whew! Hannah, I know you've been waiting patiently.... but before I go, one more F....

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