This one took me back two decades...
Even BEFORE I was a photographer.
Melissa and her mom, Pat, were in for senior pictures and I had seen Pat with Melissa's sister, Deb, a decade ago as a member of the class of 2001 from East Marshall.
That much i KNEW.
What I DIDN'T know, was that Melissa had an older sister YET! Not just a year or two older than Deb... but ten YEARS older!
Let's just say that Mama Pat spaces out the kiddos!
So 1991, 2001 and now 2012 for the graduation years of the three sisters. I was asked to pull the negatives (yes... you know, film?) from 1991 for Stacy... and let me tell you... 6-foot-2, 230 lb Bryan doesn't fit well in our 3 foot high crawl space at home that the old negs are stored in... but I triumphantly found 'em. And the two decades of waiting for the long-lost matching images on the wall will soon be over for Pat. ;)
I remember Deb bringing in a GANG of eight friends to her wild session back at the turn of the century. This one was much less crazy.
Just Melissa, Pat and trusty "best friend," Shiloh, the basset hound, this time around. (don't kid yourself, Deb... i had the old EM chant of "Deb, Deb, Deb.. hit the ball!" echoing in my head, regardless).
It was warm, to be sure,... but Shiloh stole the show with the top image in the blog. I would hate to ever compare a senior girl to looking like a dog... but when Melissa gave her best aloof hound impersonation... it was hard to deny that old saying about pets looking like their owners on this image at least!
Melissa had two other obsessions that she wanted me to highlight before the end of the day that Thursday. One was her love of all things Japanese (she wants to go there someday very soon)... and the other was a wolf fetish.
I like the results we came up with on both fronts.
So, Melissa... like many others currently... has seen her nearly two week wait come to a end. You'll all probably get sick of hearing it... but I'll say it again anyway... Thanks for your patience, and ENJOY!
Now come and get your book!

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